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Alphamstone Village Hall

Meeting Minutes

2nd November 2021 4.30pm AVH

  1. Apologies




  1. Attendees

Desmond Bridge

Martin Gilbert

Eugene Franco

Lynne Potter

Laura Richardson

Sue Gardiner


  1. Approval of minutes from last meeting



  1. Matters Arising



  1. Financial Update (MG)

£1488 income for the last 7 months is a lot less than the usual £7k but the overall balance remains healthy. Regular income streams are continuing from the café, slight reduction from pilates as the hours were reduced, new hirer for Yoga on a Monday evening and the Toddler group on a Friday morning.

Outgoings – cinema licence. Various fire safety payments expected to go out shortly.


  1. Heating

MG – No progress.

DB – Ferrier’s Barn system is very efficient.

MG to contact suppliers used for Ferriers Barn – West Mersea Infrared Heating.

MG has installed a remotely accessible thermostatic monitor which allows him to access information regarding the heating via an app so he can check whether the heating has been left on after any hall use.


  1. Building & Maintenance


EF  - Some progress has been made but still awaiting further information from EALC to take to the Parish Council.

DB – Contractor will be required for the works.

MG – Agreed contractor would mean the job would be done faster.


MG – Fixed sewage system noise which turned out to be a trapped snail shell!


DB – Suggest work party rather than regular gardener due to the nature of the work required and difficulties in securing a gardener.

LP – suggested using someone who visits local houses regularly for gardening works.

It was generally agreed that a work party would be the best place to start.


  1. Future Plans (DB)

Mary & Richard Parker – 65th wedding anniversary party – January 16th 2022

Winter Warmer – November 13th – Need to boost numbers with advertising.

Silverband followed by mince pies and mulled wine – December 14th 2021

Big Breakfast – January 30th – LR and Matt Richardson. SG can support.

Jubilee 2022 – 2nd June (Thursday) – Hog roast earliest serving 3.30pm.

LP – Louise has suggested a street party on the Sunday. DB to contact Louise to discuss but general feeling is that it might be overkill so wouldn’t be supported by the committee in any official capacity.

Fete – July 17th – MG to lead.


Pumpkin Patch – October 30th. Quieter than expected, sign of the covid times and people were reticent to mix with children. Still raised about 50% of the normal total expected and was enjoyed by those who attended.


  1. AOB

LP – Litterbin on the green is used by dog walkers for dog mess and is over flowing. EF to bring up with parish council to discuss options.

LR – Toddler group is now being held on a Friday morning as of November to boost numbers.

DB -Thanks to SG for painting AVH on the external bins.

DB -Thanks to Deirdre Hume for donating a new batch of coffee to the hall.


  1. Date of Next Meeting

11th January 2022

© 2023 by Alphamstone Village Hall. Proudly created by Edward Twinn

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