Alphamstone Village HalI Committee
Tuesday 3* Augustz0zl
Held at AYH
1. Apologies for Absence
2. Approval of Minutes of AGM
a. Signing of Minutes
b. Matters Arising
3. Chairman's Report
4. Treasurer's Report
5. Secretary's Report
a. From the date of the last AGM November 2020,
AVH committee held 2 meetings via Zoom.I
received a handover from Helen for the Secretary
position. Risk assessments were completed for the
Covid-l 9 secure reopening.
6. AOB
7. Questions?
8. Election of Trustees (if applicable) (14- August 2018
committee elected.)
9. Joining Committee Members
Chairman’s Report on 2020/21 presented to the Annual General Meeting
of the Alphamstone Village Hall on Tuesday 3rd August 2021
My report this year is a relatively simple one, in that 2020 became the year that never was. It started normally enough, but soon the Hall was locked and that was pretty much that as far as our remit as a Community Centre was concerned.
This is not to say that the Hall was forgotten. Checks on the fabric were carried out and where necessary remedial work was done – almost exclusively by Martin Gilbert who has my heartfelt thanks. I would also like to extend my thanks to the other Committee members who were always on hand to respond should anything need to be discussed.
We monitored the pandemic situation throughout, taking our lead from the Government and Essex County Council, but it was not possible to do anything but sit and wait, particularly in light of the fact that a large number of our regular users were potentially in the most vulnerable categories.
During the early months of 2021, with the roll-out of the vaccines we began to see the light at the end of the tunnel, but it was dim to say the least.
Alphamstone Village Hall Committee. Treasurers Report AGM 2021
Despite the Village Hall being shut for much of the year due to covid, we have been fortunate to receive a Braintree council grant that has meant that net receipts for the year were up by £7,616.
Braintree Council covid grant of £10,000 was our main income.
Costs were £960 lower than prior years at £2,775 due to reduced operational costs across the board.
Hall improvement costs of £250 were for the replacement of guttering to the rear of the building with larger capacity guttering.
Bank Account
Bank account balance at year end (31/3/2021) was £24,497
Alphamstone Village Hall Committee
AGM Minutes
Tuesday 3rd August 2021
Held at AVH
Desmond Bridge (DB)- Chair
Martin Gilbert (MG) – Treasurer
Laura Richardson (LR) – Secretary
Lynne Potter (LP)
Sue Gardiner (SG)
Eugene Franco (EF)
Apologies for Absence
No apologies received.
Approval of Minutes of AGM 2020
Approval by SG & MG. Signing of Minutes
Matters Arising - None
Chairman’s Report
Treasurer’s Report
Secretary’s Report
From the date of the last AGM November 2020, AVH committee held 2 meetings via Zoom. I received a handover from Helen for the Secretary position. Risk assessments were completed for the Covid-19 secure reopening.
Election of Trustees (if applicable) (14th August 2018 committee elected.)
Entire committee stand down and were re-elected with unanimous approval.
Joining Committee Members
Meeting adjourned at 17.20pm