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Minutes of the Meeting

Of the Members of Alphamstone Village Hall

Held on 6th August 2019 at 5 p.m. in

The Village Hall


Present:          Desmond Bridge (DB), Paul Bolton (PB), Helen Bradshaw (HB), Eugene Franco (EF), Martin Gilbert (MG), Lynne Potter (LP)


  1. Apologies for Absence    Ben Twinn and Sue Gardiner


  1. Election of ChairmanMG proposed DB and this was seconded by HB and unanimously approved by those present.

  2. Election of TreasurerDB proposed MG and this was seconded by LP and unanimously approved by those present.  Treasurer Report  MG tabled his budget for the year 2019/2020 highlighting the fall in income from Pilates and other Hall Hire.

  3. Election of SecretaryMG proposed HB and this was seconded by LP and unanimously approved by those present

  4. Approval of Minutes of 12th February 2019The minutes were approved and signed.

  5. Matters Arising from meeting of 12.2.19DB advised meeting that under 2.2 of that meeting LP had purchased the crockery and it installed in AVH.  MG had bought glasses and that MG had liaised with NA and the Dishwasher was now installed.

  6. Programme of Events

Meeting discussed various ideas for Events to not only produce an income stream but to provide an environment for Alphamstonians to socialise. The following was agreed:

  • DB to investigate the option of a Hog Roast,

  • MG Apple Pressing in the Autumn

  • LP to talk to Sue Gardiner about a February Meal

  • PB support for producing a Big Breakfast.


  1. Any Other Business

    1. Maintenance of WindowsMG raised this issue as, due to personal commitments, the painting and refurbishment of these had not taken place this summer.  HB agreed to seek a grant from Tom Amos trust after checking previous quotes were still in date.

    2. Installation of the Date Stone SG had asked for this to be raised.  After discussion LP agreed to ask a local brick layer if he would be prepared to undertake this for us.

    3. Bees in HallMG advised that he had taped up the hole connecting to the chimney to discourage the bees and not to kill them

    4. Hedge and GardenMG raised the maintenance of the external area as the garden and hedge were looking unkempt.  EF 

    5. Theatre Curtain and Rail  MG told the meeting that the current curtain and rail were not fit for purpose and doing nothing about it was not an option.  MG had obtained quotes for replacement costs and, after discussion, the meeting unanimously agreed to opt for the small theatre curtain and associated rail which had a cost of £550.  MG was in receipt of a donation of £100. towards the replacement costs so total cost to AVH was £450.00.


  1. Purchase of Green TablesDB proposed buying four more green tables at a cost of £142.00 each.  PB enquired why more tables were required.  DB explained that there was not enough table space for all who wish to use the Hall at certain times.  PB asked if more chairs were also required and DB advised there were sufficient.  The meeting unanimously approved the purchase of the tables.


  1. AVH Funds AVH funds are currently standing at £15,671.00 as at 5th August 2019. DB proposed that £5000.00 be put into a separate account and this move was unanimously approved.


  1. Review of the KitchenMG and DB felt that there were opportunities to make the kitchen more user friendly.  They undertook to review what could be done and MG to cost it.



  1. Date of Next Meeting  Meeting agreed 22nd October 2019 at 5 p.m. in AVH.

© 2023 by Alphamstone Village Hall. Proudly created by Edward Twinn

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