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Meeting of the Members of Alphamstone Village Hall

7th February 2017

To be held in The Village Hall

At 5 pm




  1. Apologies for absence

  2.  Minutes of the Meeting held 6th December2016

    1. Signature of Minutes

    2. Matters Arising/outstanding

      1. Inventory

      2. Form for hire of tables and chairs

  3. Treasurer’s Report


  4. Build

  5. Fete Committee

  6. Any Other Business

  7. Date of next Meeting

Minutes of the Meeting

Of the Members of Alphamstone Village Hall

Held on 7th February 2017 at 5 pm in the Village Hall


Present: Nigel Aulton (NA), Desmond Bridge (DB), Helen Bradshaw (HB), Sue Gardiner (SG), Martin Gilbert (MG), Lynne Potter (LP), Ben Twinn (BT)


  1. Apologies for Absence           All members were present


  2. Minutes of the Meeting held 6th December 2016

    1. Signature of Minutes  Minutes were signed

    2. Matters Arising

      1. Inventory remains outstanding

      2. DB had drafted a form for hire of tables and chairs and required the logo to complete. HB to send.  Meeting went on to discuss the Hire of the Hall and agreed that it would take a little while to see how the income/expenditure ratio worked out.  Meeting also discussed whether or not setting-up time should be charged or just allowed.  This item to be on next Agenda


  3. Treasurer’s Report SG advised the meeting that the current balance of the AVH account was £8185.93.  She further advised that a grant had been forthcoming from Tom Amos Charity in the amount of £2,500 for new doors to the front and that a grant had been obtained from CIF for the supply of Wi-Fi to AVH.  DB thanked those who had made the grant applications.


  4. Build

    1. Following on from the WiFi grant news MG and NA agreed to liaise with County Broadband re the placement of equipment. NA advised that   The Tom Amos Grant news had enabled him to order the new doors to the front of the Hall. 

    2. The meeting discussed having the Hall professionally painted, assisted by NA, and this was agreed.

    3. NA updated the meeting that the Car Park had been completed in accordance with the planning permission and was now only awaiting Colne Contracts to lay the tarmac area, weather permitting, on 3rd March.  NA thanked BT for obtaining and providing a digger and driver at no cost to the village hall.  DB thanked NA for providing all his services and labour at no cost to AVH and this was unanimously seconded.

    4. NA advised that the new internal windows, to replace the doors in the kitchen opening on to the green, had been ordered for the kitchen and also obscured glass for the toilets.  He pointed out that the splashbacks had been fitted by CJP Kitchens.    NA said that March was the target for completion of the above.

    5. A discussion arose about the area above the serving hatch.  NA had sought advice and it transpires that before glass can be ordered that templates would need to be made for each segment which would significantly increase the cost.  SG said she would speak to A and B Glass for their guidance.

    6. BT had asked Harry Lane to quote for testing for the Fire Alarm but had yet to receive same.  NA advised that Electrical Test was due every 5 years from the point of installation and would be due in 2019.  He further advised that the Emergency Lighting was required to be tested twice a year.  NA undertook to write a full specification for Electrical testing that could be used to request quotes

    7. MG raised the positioning of the proposed Defibrillator in regard to power.  NA said that the requirements were not yet clarified.  He updated the Committee regarding the telephone box now that the Defibrillator was not to be sited there.  He indicated that the telephone box would become the responsibility of the Parish Council for future maintenance and usage.


  5. Fete Committee  Fete Committee was agreed as DB, HB, SG, MG and the date confirmed as 29th May 2017.   DB said he would approach Jenny Twinn about becoming a member of the Fete Committee and liaising with Liz Barrow regarding the presence of the Dance Troupe on Fete Day. The first meeting of the Fete Committee was agreed as 14.2.17 at 2.30.


  6. Any Other Business

    1.   HB advised that she had attended an RCCE training day and, once available, would circulate the papers to all the Committee as they were relevant to all

    2. NA raised the issue of Fire Evacuation signage and advised that we needed three notices in side with an external Fire Assembly point outside.  NA to arrange.

    3. DB pointed out that there was no Accident Book in the Hall as required.  HB to source and place in Hall

    4. MG raised the issue of Food Hygiene and whether as a Committee we were compliant. He drew the meetings attention to documents produced by the Food Standards Agency, Catering Advice for Charity and Community Groups providing food and Guidance on the application of EU food hygiene and charity food provision.  MG had concluded that whilst there was no need for Food Certificates to be held the Committee needed to consider the continuity and complexity of events where refreshments were provided.  The Tuesday Coffee Morning was mentioned but the meeting did not think the nature of the refreshments, tea and biscuits and the frequency of the gathering would fall within this legislation.  DB and MG agreed to look at what on line training there was that would assist in meeting Trustee obligations. MG to circulate his source documents to all and Food Hygiene to be an agenda item at the next meeting

    5. MG raised the possibility of informally providing technical IT support at the Tuesday Coffee Morning.  Meeting unanimously thought this was a very good idea.  MG to arrange


  7. Date of Next Meeting  Meeting agreed to meet on 11th April at 5pm in the Village Hall. DB suggested that the meeting agree the date for the AGM.  2nd May 2017 was proposed with HB and SG needing to confirm their availability subject to holiday arrangements. 

© 2023 by Alphamstone Village Hall. Proudly created by Edward Twinn

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