Meeting of the Members of Alphamstone Village Hall
8th January 2015
To be held in The Village Hall
At 7 pm
Apologies for absence
Approval of the Minutes of the Meeting held 10th December 2014
Signature of Minutes
Matters Arising from Minutes
PD signature to Agreement
AVH Web Page
Treasurer’s Report
Update on current financial position (BT)
Contractor Update
Works undertaken since last meeting
Outcome of discussions with BDC regarding paths
Scheduling and Costing of outstanding works
DB email and attachment dated17.12.14
Any Other Business
Date of next Meeting
Minutes of Alphamstone Village Hall
Committee Meeting held on 8th January 2015
At 7pm in The Village Hall
Present: Helen Bradshaw (HMB), Desmond Bridge (DB), Sue Gardiner (SG), Eileen Hannis (EH), Peter Duffus (PD)
Apologies for absence
Lynne Potter (LP), Ben Twinn(BT), Tom Fryer (TF)
Election of Chairman for Meeting
EH was proposed as Chair for the Meeting by DB and seconded by all
Approval of the Minutes of the Meeting held 10th December 2014
PD asked for item 5.5 be amended from “make doors” to “hang doors”. The amendment was made and EH signed the minutes
Matters Arising from Minutes
Treasurer’s Report
As BT was not present a Report was not available but DB advised that he had spoken to TF who had advised DB that the plastering work invoice had come in and was £600 and that a Weavers Invoice was due amounting to £760. SG enquired from when this invoice arose as there had been no mention of it at the meeting in December, when the meeting had been updated with all outstanding costs, and that no request for spending funds over and above £500 had been received from TF. As TF not present no-one knew. HMB asked DB to clarify his email, sent on 17th December 2014, as she was not clear whether its contents had given TF approval to continue works above the £500.00 limit. DB confirmed that it did not. DB advised that the Glazing had cost £250 which was more than the estimate and the outer arch had been finished DB advised that in accordance with his email he would cover the additional cost.
DB advised that available funds were now at their limit and in his view the Committee had three choices:
Contractor Update
As TF not present DB and PD updated the meeting as to what works had been undertaken. The works on the arch had been completed and all the electrics signed off. The toilets and washbasins had also been fitted.
DB queried whether the outside emergency light overlooking the green was necessary as there were two other emergency exit signs. Query with BDC to be raised.
The meeting were advised that TF had not spoken to BDC regarding their requirements for the path. Meeting agreed that BDC needed to stipulate what exactly was required and for the PCC to then be approached.
EH asked the meeting to come and look at the kitchen. EH demonstrated that where the cooker had been sited did not enable the cooker doors to open fully and thus would not accommodate large trays etc. The meeting agreed it was not the best place for the cooker. After much discussion the meeting agreed for EH and SG to approach Chris Parker to see what changes could be made to the design to make the kitchen more suitable for purpose.
The subject of the flooring for the kitchen and toilets was raised by EH. The meeting agreed that non-slip flooring was required in the toilets and the kitchen and that no floor covering should be laid anywhere until quotes had been received for same. EH undertook to contact Carpet Connection and HMB also undertook to contact a contract flooring specialist.
DB undertook to advise TF about the Committee’s decisions.
Any Other Business
There was no other business
Date of Next Meeting
As it had not been possible for Treasurer and Contractor to attend this meeting DB felt that another meeting should be held in two weeks time. Next Meeting agreed as Thursday 22nd January 2015.