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Meeting of the Members of Alphamstone Village Hall

9th March 2016

To be held in The Village Hall

At 5 pm




  1. Apologies for absence

  2. Approval of the Minutes of the Meeting held  19th January 2016

    1. Signature of Minutes

    2. Matters Arising

      1. See Build agenda item 5

      2. Terms and Conditions agenda item 6

  3. Treasurer’s Report


  5. Table Tennis Table

  6. Build

    1. Maintenance Contracts

    2. External Works and Floor Installation

    3. Kitchen Design and quotes

  7. Hall Booking Terms and Conditions

  8. Any Other Business

  9. Date of next Meeting







Minutes of the Meeting

Of Alphamstone Village Hall Committee

Held on Tuesday 9th March 2016

In The Village Hall at 5p.m



Present:                 Nigel Aulton (NA), Desmond Bridge (DB), Helen Bradshaw (HB), Sue Gardiner (SG), Eileen Hannis (EH), Lynne Potter (LP), Ben Twinn (BT)


  1. Apologies for Absence:  All Committee Members were present


  1. Approval of the Minutes held on 19th January 2016

    1. Signature of Minutes    Minutes were approved and signed

    2. Matters Arising                                  

      1. Grant Application towards Kitchen to Tom Amos Trust. A sub-committee of HB, NA and DB was agreed to progress an application for 1.4.16

      2. Build agenda item 5 and Terms and Conditions agenda item 6


  1. Build

Meeting agreed to take this item as next on Agenda

  1.   Maintenance Contracts

 BT still chasing an alternative quote for Fire System.

NA advised that   G E Sheppard had quoted £250 for maintaining the Air Conditioning

  1. External Works and Floor Installation

Meeting agreed that whilst it was too wet to progress External Works to parking area, that the internal Floor Installation should be progressed now as a matter of urgency.  Concerns were, however  raised about possible damage to the floor and NA outlined the protective properties of  a floor covering called Corex which could be laid over the new floor if deemed necessary..   A sub-committee of NA and HB was agreed with the remit to appoint Carpet Connection and arrange for the floors to be laid as soon as possible. 

  1. Kitchen Design and Quotes

Meeting discussed the previously circulated kitchen design and quote provided by Howdens and drawn up after discussion with the kitchen sub-committee of NA,SG and EH.  Meeting all agreed the design made best use of the space available and unanimously approved this element.  EH undertook to present design to Chris Parker for an alternative quote.


  1. Treasurer’s Report

SG advised that the funds in the current account were £8760.66 with £113. Still remaining in a National Savings account.  SG to liaise with Deirdre Hume for this account to be closed and the funds transferred to the current account


BT advised that he was progressing the renewal of the Village Hall insurance and would email round when completed and update on Insurers and any amendments to policies.


  1. Table Tennis Table

Meeting agreed that, as a decision had been taken to install the flooring as soon as possible, now was not the time to revisit the decision taken at the meeting on 19th January.  Once the floors were installed meeting agreed to review the decision.




  1. Hall Booking Terms and Conditions

DB and HB had met and revised the Terms and Conditions which had been previously circulated.  NA felt explicit reference to the Fire Risk Assessment should be made and HB undertook to include this. Meeting agreed revised terms with this caveat.


  1. Any Other Business

    1. DB felt that an update on the progress of AVH should be included in the next edition of the Village Magazine.  Meeting agreed.  DB undertook to draft a short article and circulate of HB for comment.


  1. Date of Next Meeting

Next Meeting was agreed to be held on 12th April at 5pm in the Village Hall




© 2023 by Alphamstone Village Hall. Proudly created by Edward Twinn

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