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Meeting of the Members of Alphamstone Village Hall

9th April 2015

To be held in The Village Hall

At 7 pm



Apologies for absence

Approval of the Minutes of the Meeting held  19th March 2015

Signature of Minutes

Matters Arising from Minutes 

See Build Committee item 

Asset Register

Siting of Date Stone

Treasurer’s Report

Update on current financial position  (BT) 

Insurance Policy update

Contractor Update

Works undertaken since last meeting

Music Licence

Any Other Business

Date of next Meeting

Build Committee Meeting

Flooring Options





Minutes of Alphamstone Village Hall

Committee Meeting held on 9th April  2015

at 7pm in The Village Hall


Present: Desmond Bridge (DB), Sue Gardiner (SG), Eileen Hannis (EH), 

Lynne Potter (LP), Ben Twinn (BT)


1. Apologies for Absence: Helen Bradshaw, Tom Fryer, Peter Duffus


2. Approval of Minutes of the meeting held 19th March 2015

2.1. Signature of Minutes

2.1.1. The meeting approved the minutes and they were signed by DB


2.2. Matters Arising

2.2.1. Outstanding Works to Complete Hall

It was agreed that all committee members need to be present to discuss 

outstanding works. Quotes for flooring still need to be supplied by TF all samples are available.

2.2.2. Asset Register

EH, HMB and TF to meet on an agreed date in the future to compile the asset register.

2.2.3. Siting of Date Stone

It was agreed to investigate the possibility of siting the date stone outside in a more prominent position.


3. Treasurers Report

3.1. BT advised the committee £5,132.62 was in the current account, which did not include the amount donated by Therese Melville, and £112.47 in the national savings account.

3.2. TF had still yet to submit his invoice for works up to date. BT to ask TF if it could be submitted at next meeting.

3.3. Insurance

3.3.1. BT advised that the Village Hall is now covered for general use. Any outside contractors will require their own insurance, however any sub- contractors employed by TF are coverered by his Main Contractor insurance. There was £178 rebate from the change in policy but a further £222 was added to cover functions in the hall. BT very kindly offered to pay the difference for which the committee thanked him. LP queried that the new policy is Employers Liability Insurance and thought it should be Public Liability Insurance. BT to clarify.


4. Contractor Update

4.1. As TF not present this was unable to be supplied.


5. Music Licence

5.1. It was agreed by the committee to purchase a music licence at a cost of £16.50 per annum, HMB to action.


6. Any Other Business

6.1. SG asked if there was any update on the Village Hall drainage plan. BT to speak to John McGlashan.

6.2. BT advised that the RCCE membership had expired and would cost £48 per annum to renew. It was agreed by the committee to renew it BT completed the renewal form and cheque which EH agreed to post.

6.3 EH advised that the Table Tennis club were keen to use the hall. It was agreed by the committee that so long as they stored their table tennis table elsewhere after use they could hire the hall at a cost of £5 per hour which would be reviewed on completion of the works on the Village Hall.

6.4. Melissa Varcoe had asked when the Social Club might be able use the Village Hall, however this would require blackout blinds which at present are only fitted on the two windows in the original part of the hall. DB suggested that the Social Club may be able to put up a temporary curtain between the old and new hall. DB to speak to Melissa Varcoe. DB advised that he had been researching blinds to separate the old and new hall and had found a top hung concertina blind at a cost of between £2,800 - £5,000 supplied and fitted.


7. Date of Next Meeting

7.1. Meeting was agreed to be held on 7th May at 7pm in Village Hall but due to the hall being used as a Polling Station for the Election the venue has now been changed to Goulds Farm.


8. Build Committee

8.1. Nothing to discuss.





© 2023 by Alphamstone Village Hall. Proudly created by Edward Twinn

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