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Meeting of the Members of Alphamstone Village Hall

10th November 2015

To be held in The Village Hall

At 5 pm




  1. Apologies for absence

  2. Approval of the Minutes of the Meeting held  5th October 2015

    1. Signature of Minutes

    2. Matters Arising

      1. See Build agenda item 5


  1. Treasurer’s Report

    1. Update

    2. Repay outstanding loans

  2. Grant Application

Application to The Garfield Weston Foundation.  Committee to consider. View web site address http://www/


  1. Build

    1. Heaters.  Consideration of Maintenance Contract

    2. Tree

    3. Main Contractor File and Keys

    4. Appeal to Village

  2. Hall Booking Process and Cleaning

    1. Arrangements when DB away

    2. Hire of hall over bank holidays, Christmas etc.

    3. Cleaning

  3. Any Other Business

  4. Date of next Meeting





Minutes of the Meeting of Alphamstone Village Hall

Held on 10th November 2015

At 5pm in The Village Hall


Present:                 Nigel Aulton (NA), Helen Bradshaw (HB), Desmond Bridge (DB), Sue Gardiner (SG), Eileen Hannis (EH), Lynne Potter (LP), Ben Twinn (BT)


  1. Apologies for Absence  BT entered meeting at item 4. 


  1. Approval of the Minutes of the Meeting held on 5th October 2015

    1. Signature of Minutes  EH advised that the charges for the village hall under item 7 Hall Booking Process should read from October to April the charge should be £30, to cover additional heating costs and from May to September £25.  This was noted and the Minutes signed by DB

    2. Matters Arising Any matters arising are covered under item 5 of this Agenda


  1. Treasurer’s Report

    1.   Update.   BT not present at meeting at this point but SG and DB briefed the meeting that there was approximately £9304. In the AVH current account.  Pumpkin Patch had raised roughly £410. and Fireworks £250.  DB advised that the surplus wine from the Fireworks would be bought by the PCC for the Silver Band event in December.  As the purchase of the wine would take the net amount for Fireworks to 295 HB to donate £5. to total the amount to £300.  SG asked the meeting to give vote of thanks to Deirdre Hume and Jo Brogan for all their assistance with the catering.  DB asked for a vote of thanks to Peter Duffus for his assistance also.  These votes of thanks were heartily endorsed by all.  EH advised that the Grant Aid, outstanding from Therese Melville’s kind donation, had been paid directly into the bank account on 18th June.

    2. Repayment of Outstanding Loans  In order that the bank account reflected the true position of AVH funds HB felt that the loans kindly made by LP and EH be repaid to them.  Meeting unanimously agreed and voted Big Thanks to both LP and EH for their loans in 2014 when funds were very low.  SG to organise repayment


  1. Grant Application to The Garfield Weston Foundation  Meeting discussed an application to this body.  Due to applications by The Friends of Alphamstone Church, to this Foundation, DB felt unable to be part of the application process.  HB said she would make a first draft with NA saying he would assist and SG offering to review also. Meeting agreed to wait for the outcome of application to the CIF to be established before making an application to The Garfield Weston Foundation.  BT joined the meeting


  1. Build

    1.  Heaters, Consideration of Maintenance Contract  DB offered a vote of thanks to NA for his time and generosity in having the Heaters fixed.  Meeting unanimously agreed.  NA updated the meeting on the findings of the Adcocks air conditioning specialists who had assisted him.  NA recommended that the Units were switched off completely during the summer period.  Meeting agreed. After discussion it was agreed that a Service be undertaken once a year, at the end of the summer period.  NA to contact Adcocks to redo the maintenance quote on those terms. 

    2. Tree  BT advised that the Tree Surgeon would be on site on 19th November.  After discussion it was agreed that BT would take trunk away.  NA and BT agreed to organise a digger and stump grinder, when conditions allowed, after removal of tree.  Meeting gave a unanimous vote of thanks to BT

    3. Main Contractor File and Keys  NA showed the meeting the Contractor file he had pulled together containing, amongst other items, all the manuals that he had found.  The Part P certificate for the electrical work was not amongst the items and if it were not forthcoming then a duplicate would be requested.  NA sked BT to have a look for the invoice for the Mitsubishi Units as this would help him to ask for a guarantee from the manufacturers.  BT undertook to do so.  NA also advised that we needed the Fire Alarm Test Certificate which was also not available.  Meeting unanimously agreed for NA to arrange for recertification if necessary.  DB said he would meet with Tom Fryer to ask for the return of his set of AVH keys and for the return of the Beer Cooler and BBQ. 

    4. Appeal to Village Meeting agreed that an appeal to the Village for funds to complete works was a good idea.  NA agreed to review all necessary outstanding works and HB agreed to meet with him to write up the review.  Meeting agreed to wait until outcome of CIF


  1. Hall Booking Process and Cleaning

    1. Arrangements when DB away  DB is AVH liaison with Grania Nelson for bookings.  HB asked who should be contact when DB away.  LP said she would be happy to do this.  DB to liaise with GN and LP on holiday cover

    2. Hire of Hall over bank holidays, Christmas etc.  As bookings had already been made for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day meeting accepted that this must stand.  Meeting unanimously felt, that in consideration to neighbours that these arrangements must be a one off and that the Hall should not be allowed to be booked for Christmas Eve, Christmas Day or New Years Eve.  Meeting also agreed that aside from the Film Club no further bookings should be made between Christmas and New Year.  DB to ensure GN advised.

    3. Cleaning  Meeting was advised that the Hall had been booked for the weekend of 14th November.  HB, LP and DB agreed to meet at 2.30 on 13th to clean Hall.  This arrangement led on to a discussion by the meeting of what Terms and Conditions should apply to the Hall.  DB felt it was necessary for a form to be sent by email to those applying to book the Hall requiring them to sign the form and return it prior to any event taking place.  Meeting agreed.  HB to draft simple Terms for next meeting.  In the interim Meeting agreed that those booking hall should be made aware that they needed to leave the Hall clean and tidy.  DB to liaise with GN so she can advise any hirers of the Hall of this requirement.  Meeting touched on arrangements for cleaning the Hall in the longer term.  It was agreed to defer any decisions until the floors had been laid


  1. Any Other Business

    1. NA advised that since last meeting the rails had been installed and curtains made ready for the Film Club

    2. NA advised that after investigation with an electrician that the Emergency Light in the kitchen could be taken off the system without disrupting whole system.

    3. Discussion arose about the old peg tiles broken on the roof between the School House and the Village Hall.  NA agreed to investigate and report back

    4. EH asked when the Septic Tank at the School House had last been emptied.  BT agreed to check when last emptied and report back at next meeting

    5. DB asked HB to be the contact Electoral Support Officer.  HB agreed


  1. Date of Next Meeting

Meeting agreed to meet on 12th January 2016 at 5pm in The Village Hall



© 2023 by Alphamstone Village Hall. Proudly created by Edward Twinn

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