Alphamstone Village Hall
Meeting of the Members of Alphamstone Village Hall
10th December 2014
To be held in The Village Hall
At 7 pm
Apologies for absence
Approval of the Minutes of the Meeting held 27th November 2014
Signature of Minutes
Matters Arising from Minutes
Insurance (see agenda item 3)
Update on Contractors, Buildings and Trustee Indemnity (BT)
Treasurer’s Report
Update on current financial position (BT)
Contractor Update
Works undertaken since last meeting
Scheduling and Costing of outstanding works
Agreement between The Committee and Tom Fryer
Signing of Document
Any Other Business
Date of next Meeting
Minutes of Alphamstone Village Hall
Committee Meeting held on 10th December 2014
At 7pm in The Village Hall
Present: Helen Bradshaw (HMB), Desmond Bridge (DB), Tom Fryer (TF), Sue Gardiner (SG), Eileen Hannis (EH), Lynne Potter (LP), Ben Twinn (BT)
Apologies for absence
Peter Duffus had advised that he would be late attending the meeting but hoped to be there by 7.30. PD did not attend
Approval of the Minutes of the Meeting held 27th November 2014
DB had previously circulated an email to the VHC were he had advised that he had personally bought insurance to cover the Village Hall to a value of £240,000 whilst building works were being undertaken cover commencing on 2.12.14. DB advised that once all works had been finished the policy could be adapted to the new circumstances of the village hall. DB further advised that he had bought Trustee Indemnity Insurance for the Committee. A vote of thanks to DB was proposed by LP and unanimously seconded the Committee.
BT advised that the VH were eligible for a small refund on their original policy
BT then read through an e mail from our new insurers quoted below,
BT asked TF whether all the Party Wall conditions with The School House had been met and signed off. TF said that they had been met and signed off.
TF said that the paths will be a sticking point as Fire Exits. DB asked for clarification and BT advised that the PCC had invited quotes for the paths to the Village Hall. BT said that the PCC had concerns about the effect of the paths on the Village Green. DB felt that a precedent would have been set somewhere for a similar project.
Treasurer’s Report
BT advised that the following sums remained in the VH accounts:
Contractor Update
Plastering work had been undertaken since the last meeting and TF advised that it would be approximately £600. This was 50% more than previously suggested. SG said she had understood at the last meeting that the kitchen was included in the plastering. TF said it had been mooted that it might be a requirement but had never been intended to be included in the work at this stage. SG reiterated that was not her understanding of what had been said
DB said he had taken ‘soundings’ around the village and his conclusion was that no further donations would be forthcoming until the VH committee could show they knew where they currently stood financially and what was required to complete the work. DB felt a detailed schedule of remaining works and associated costs needed to be compiled. BT said that Nigel Aulton had offered his services as QS. NA is a qualified QS and he had said he would be happy to undertake role for the VH free of charge. SG and others indicated their support of this offer. TF did not want to take up the offer. DB said and others agreed that there was little point in putting in the cheapest fittings purely for the purpose of getting the building signed off and this view was agreed by many. DB felt that quotes for quality floors, kitchen etc. should be sought and then we could go to the village and ask for help.
DB suggested that if TF felt qualified to undertake the QS role then he DB would assist him to complete. A date the following week was to be agreed between them, and the resulting schedule of outstanding works and associated costs to be communicated to the committee for discussion and agreement.
It was then reiterated by DB that the VH was not open for visitors because it has not been signed off and is still a work place and our insurance wouldn’t cover us. TF asked how this stood with voluntary labour. DB said that if TF were happy that his insurance would stand then they could be called unpaid sub-contractors of TF. The Village Hall, however, is not open for visitors.
BT asked TF what invoices he had outstanding. TF said there would be some but he did not yet have them. BT said we were so close to the money deadline that any future works needed an exact price. SG said it was vital to concentrate on getting the works and costings agreed before undertaking any works.
TF advised that PD had kindly offered to make some internal doors in the New Year.
LP said important to strike the balance between volunteer input and contractor. All agreed.
Agreement between the Committee and Tom Fryer
HMB said she was happy to sign the Agreement as long as it was adhered to and not regarded solely as a paper exercise. DB endorsed this view as did others.
The Agreement was signed by all present and HMB undertook to bring back to next meeting to enable PD to also sign.
Any Other Business
BT advised that his son Ed had kindly developed a website for the Village Hall, having looked at web sites of other village halls. HMB undertook to send a link round to the Committee. BT said the domain name was available to purchase. HMB said she would pay the initial amount. A vote of thanks was proposed by EH to Ed Twinn and unanimously agreed.
BT asked TF on the status of the BERCO. This was as a result of an exchange of emails between BT and TF where BT had asked to hire the BERCO for a private function to be advised by TF that BT had never paid a hire charge for the item and anyway it was not PAT tested. As BT request predated the Fireworks, where the BERCO had been in use, BT wondered whether it had been tested in the interim. TF advised that it had not and it his comments had been meant jokingly. BT did not feel this was the case. DB said all items needed to be PAT tested and advised that the church had currently undertaken a similar exercise with Michael Penfold providing the testing. TF undertook to progress.
TF gave an update of his meeting earlier that day with Angela Vergase from My Communities. TF said there was the possibility of more money from them. DB enquired whether AVH was on the agenda for consideration for monies at the My Communities next quarterly meeting. TF said he was not sure.
Date of Next Meeting
LP asked if the Committee meetings could always be on a Thursday. Committee agreed.
Date of next meeting was set for 8th January 2015 at 7pm.