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Meeting of the Members of Alphamstone Village Hall

11th June 2015

To be held in The Village Hall

At 7 pm



  • Apologies for absence

  • Approval of the Minutes of the Meeting held  7th May 2015

    Signature of Minutes

    Matters Arising from Minutes 

    Asset Register

  • Treasurer’s Report

    Update on current financial position  (BT) 

    Consider repaying loans

  • Contractor Update

    Works undertaken since last contractor update

  • Arrangements for AGM

  • Any Other Business

  • Date of next Meeting

  • Build Committee Meeting

    Offer to clear hardstanding


    Painting quote





Minutes of Alphamstone Village Hall

Committee Meeting held on 11th June 2015

at 7pm in The Village Hall


Present: Helen Bradshaw (HMB), Desmond Bridge (DB),  Peter Duffus (PD), Sue Gardiner (SG),

Lynne Potter 


  • Apologies for Absence: Tom Fryer, Eileen Hannis, Ben Twinn

    TF in hospital. Committee unanimously wished TF well and speedy recovery


  • Approval of the Minutes of the Meeting held on 7th MaySignature of Mintues

    DB signed the Minutes

    Matters Arising

    Asset Register.  DB,EH and HMB to compile a list round to the Committee of Assets that were useful and those that were useless

    Date Stone. At next Village Event DB to take brass rubbings and show the alternative positions that it could take.  LP suggested that when event agreed on to put a notice in Outlook and on AVH website that this was Alphamstonians opportunity to vote.  Recommended that the pros and cons of where date stone can be sited outlined.

  • Treasurer’s Report

    As BT not present a full Treasurer’s Report was not available but DB was pleased to advised that AVH half share of Fete profits was £2139.80

    Consider Repaying Loans

    LP said she was happy to leave her loan monies with AVH for the time being.  EH had previously indicated that she was happy to leave until some time in 2016.

  • Contractor Update

    No works had been undertaken. PD had purchased some locks and fitted them on toilet doors.

  • Arrangements for AGM

    The dates of 27th, 30th July or 4th August at 8 pm in The Village Hall were proposed. HMB to email round those not present to establish availability.

  • Any Other Business

    Performance Licence. HMB reported on further conversations with Performance Licence and the meeting unanimously agreed to purchase one off licences when required.  LP pointed out that it was possible to stream music via the internet for free when and if it was required

    Thomas Amos Grant Application DB advised that not possible to make a grant application until we have detailed costings. Deferred until next meeting after AGM

    Parish Council Representative.  HMB told the Committee that BT had advised her  that he was no longer on the Parish Council and so could not be the representative. He had asked for the Committee to consider him as a Committee Member in his own right.  HMB proposed this and it was unanimously seconded.  HMB had been told by the Parish Council that Nigel Aulton will represent them .

    Fete. DB undertook to update village, through the Parish Magazine, on the Fete.

    Contact Details of Members  It was agreed that the Secretary and Treasurer contact details were the only ones required on the web site. HMB to action.

  • Date of Next Meeting

    As the next meeting was likely to be after the AGM , a provisional date of Thursday 13th August at 7pm in The Village Hall was agreed.


  • Build Committee MeetingOffer to Clear Hardstanding.  

    BT, James Hunter, Nigel Aulton and John Ingram had made a collective offer to DB to clear the area to the side and rear of the Village Hall and grade and flatten to accommodate vehicle parking.  This work to be undertaken by them at no cost to AVH.   The area would be more useful for parking if the tree at the back were removed. Committee agreed this needed to be a village decision and for HMB to put on AGM Agenda. PD said it would be worth looking into the possibility of moving the sheds.  

    DB felt that a meeting should be arranged between BT, NA, JEH and JI in order to put a proposal to the Village.  SG asked if she could be part of that meeting as she and Roger would be the most affected by vehicles parking there.  HMB undertook to arrange meeting prior to the AGM.


    DB updated the Committee with the meeting he and EH had held with Roger Hyde from the  flooring company.  DB explained that the humidity levels in the hall were very high and this was most probably due to the damp rear wall.  LP said that the wall had been damp treated previously. DB said important to get to grips with what was now required as otherwise very difficult to progress with the flooring.  DB said that Roger Hyde was hesitant about installing pine because of the humidity levels and would not guarantee or recommend putting in any solid floor boards.  RH had suggested engineered boards and to have them floated, leaving expansion gaps.

Roger Hyde had quoted £11,500 plus VAT for all flooring. Carpet Connection had quoted £5,000 plus VAT for main hall only.  Committee reiterated the need for one person only to undertake all the works and to obtain a guarantee.

  • HMB told the Committee that David Rutledge had done some research on hard wearing flooring and had suggested they might look at Bamboo Flooring. Committee agreed to consider this and find somewhere where it had been installed.

    Kitchen.  DB said conscious that CJP kitchens had not been kept up to date with what was happening on the Build and that we were not ready to progress just yet.  HMB undertook to make contact.

    Painting quote had not yet been received from Ken Brightwell. PD said he would make contact again

  • Meeting Closed


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