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Meeting of the Members of Alphamstone Village Hall

12th April  2016

To be held in The Village Hall

At 5 pm




  1. Apologies for absence

  2. Approval of the Minutes of the Meeting held 9th March 2016

    1. Signature of Minutes

    2. Matters Arising

      1. See Build agenda item 5

  3. Treasurer’s Report


  5. Outside Bars

  6. Build

    1. Maintenance Contracts  - electrical quote

    2. External Ground Works to Car Park area

    3.  Floor Installation – sub committee update

    4. Kitchen Design and quotes – sub committee update


  1. Any Other Business


  1. Date of next Meeting


Minutes of the Meeting of the Members

Of Alphamstone Village Hall

Held on 12th April 2016

In The Village Hall


Present:          Nigel Aulton (NA), Helen Bradshaw (HB), Desmond Bridge (DB), Sue Gardiner (SG), Eileen Hannis (EH), Lynne Potter (LP), Ben Twinn (BT)


  1. Apologies for Absence    All members were in attendance


  2. Approval of the Minutes held 9th March 2016

    2.1 Signature of Minutes   The Minutes were signed by DB

    2.2  Matters Arising             Any matters arising to be taken under Build Agenda item 5


  3. Treasurer’s Report          

    1. SG advised that the National Savings account had now been closed and that £1035.47 had been moved to the current account.  The total amount available to AVH now was £7782.26.  SG also advised she had been in contact with Braintree District Council regarding Discretionary Rate Relief that she was following up.

      A bill from Eon for £173.25 was due to be paid as a firm read had been made.  HB gave SG the completed form for renewal of the RCCE Membership. Meeting agreed to have e.copies only in the future

    2. BT advised that he had renewed the AVH Insurance with levels as previously provided for both the building and Trustees Indemnity.  NA asked BT to confirm with the insurers if the cover included replacement/shoring up of the party wall and rebuild costs if such an eventuality arose.  BT agreed to check.


  1. Outside Bars

    HB advised the Members of Kate McGlashans invitation to the Members to supply the Bar to her wedding on 29th May 2016 and also to supply Bars to her proposed Wedding functions.  Meeting unanimously agreed to thank KMc for the opportunity but it was one that they declined.  HB to write.


  2. Build

    1. Maintenance Contracts         BT had been unable to arrange a meeting with Harry Lane but agreed to carry this action forward#

    2. Car Park                                  BT updated meeting that John Ingram had moved the dirt and that NA had worked on the digger for the day.  BT had employed Richard Spence all work undertaken at no cost to AVH.  DB proposed a vote of thanks that was unanimously seconded.  NA further advised meeting that all levels had been laser assessed and that he was now going to pay for stone and terrain to be laid by above persons.. It was proposed to kerb around the corner to hold the stone with notes of ducting and telephone cabling being made

    3. AVH Floor                               HB told meeting that she and NA had met with Carpet Connection and that the wood flooring would be moved into AVH on 6th May 2016 to acclimatize.  Depending on weather heating might need to be on to ensure correct conditions for the flooring to Kitchen and Toilets to expand and contract correctly.  Work scheduled to commence on 16th May.  NA advised that the cost to AVH of the ply and fitting to kitchen and toilets was cost of the materials only. Fitting labour had been provided gratis.  NA outlined that to avoid emptying the remainder of items from the Hall the fitter would lay one side first and then the other.  Sub-Committee had made only one change and that was that the wood was not running into the double doors and that matting now would to mirror the others.  NA told meeting that Frank Ranger had requested, on behalf of the Film Club that an electricity point and speaker cable point be fitted.  Meeting discussed options of sitting flush in floor with a wooden trap door.  BT suggested a flap with an internal hinge and EH a recessed handle.  NA to explore options.  Members had previously spoken about fitting a cupboard and suggestion was made to fit speakers into same.   Meeting agreed any frame of cupboard to be built should be high enough to accommodate stacked tables and chairs

    4. Kitchen Design and quotes   EH circulated a quote from CJP Kitchens.  Meeting unanimously accepted quote and asked for their sincere thanks for such a generous quote to be conveyed to Jane and Chris Parker. 


      6.         Any Other Business

      6.1 Fire Risk Assessment       NA advised that the FRA had been completed and reviewed and that the required notice for AVH building would be put into Hall by HB

      6.2 Bookings                           DB raised a booking by Colchester Ramblers for 13.10.16.  Members were concerned that walking boots etc. would not be appropriate footwear for a new floor.  DB thought that the booking was for a meeting only but would confirm.

      6.3 Hire Rates                         After discussion meeting agreed that when Hall was completed the following rates of hire should apply.  Saturday, Sunday and Bank Holiday £10 per hour.  £8 per hour during the week and any bookings after 6 p.m. should be £14. Per hour.


      7.         Date of Next Meeting

                  Meeting agreed to be meet on 21st June 2016 at 5 p.m. in The Village Hall

© 2023 by Alphamstone Village Hall. Proudly created by Edward Twinn

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