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Alphamstone Village Hall

Meeting Minutes

12th September 2022 4.30pm AVH

  1. Apologies

    1. None


  1. Attendees

Sue Gardiner

Lynne Potter

Desmond Bridge

Martin Gilbert

Laura Richardson


  1. Election

    1. Chairman – DB – Proposed by MG Seconded by SG. Note that DB will take the post for the next year but will wish to stand down after this time.

    2. Treasurer – MG – Proposed by DB Seconded by SG

    3. Secretary – LR – Proposed by DB Seconded by LP

  2. Approval of minutes from last meeting

Approved as written MG LP


  1. Matters Arising



  1. Financial Update (MG)

Minimum income is £3500 pa to cover bare costs. Typically income is £7500 pa. To date since 1st April, we have earned £2200 this year. We can expect £300 cinema £250 coffee morning and other income from hire which tends to be higher in the winter months. We need another £6-900 to meet the minimum required for this year. Fete was much less financially successful this year which accounts for about £1000 less on what would normally have been taken.


  1. Heating

Awaiting on the control system to be supplied. MG to investigate other options for this if the control system is not delivered within the next month.


  1. Building & Maintenance

Gardens have been tidied up and rubbish removed. There is more tidying to do and the bramble needs to be digging out from the roots, or treated as they are already regrowing.

The shed has a hole in the floor and a squirrel came in and ruined one of the tents. MG to fix this before weather turns.


  1. Future Plans (DB)

Pumpkin Patch – Saturday 29th October with the Friday to set up. LR to lead. Support offered from the committee.

There will not be a harvest supper this year. (Normally mid October) This does not normally bring in any money to the hall but does free up a ‘slot’ for a dinner.

November Winter Warmer – LR to lead on SG LP to support. Need to contact Melinda to put in the November lookout.

Silver Band – normally have mince pies and mulled wine after – not a money maker for the hall.

Melinda Varcoe  has offered to do a Greek night. DB to contact her to organize for the new year.

Ticketed cheese and wine event provisionally to be held on 16th December. £7.50 a ticket for the food and one drink. Further wine and drinks on sale.

Income to come in from private bookings – McGlashan 19th October lunchtime.  Pilates regularly. Yoga may return for winter months. (DB to contact Daphne.)


  1. AOB

LP – Bin on the green has been overflowing and was left there with several bin bags around it. Local authority don’t collect during the council collection rounds. Issue with when it is emptied. DB to contact the parish council rep to discuss at their next meeting.


  1. Date of Next Meeting

January 16th 4.30pm.


Meeting adjourned at 17.15pm

© 2023 by Alphamstone Village Hall. Proudly created by Edward Twinn

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