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Meeting of the Members of Alphamstone Village Hall

12th February 2019

To be held in The Village Hall

At 5 pm




  1. Apologies for absence

  2. Minutes of the Meeting held 23rd October 2018

    1. Signature of Minutes

    2. Matters Arising

Crockery Assessment LP

  1. Treasurer’s Report

  2. AVH Building Maintenance

    1. Windows (in light of CIF failure)

  3. Parish Council Change of Representative

  4. Any Other Business

  5. Date of next Meeting

Minutes of the Meeting

Of the Members of Alphamstone Village Hall

Held on Tuesday 12th February 2019 at 5 p.m. in

The Village Hall


Present:          Nigel Aulton (NA), Paul Bolton (PB), Desmond Bridge (DB), Helen Bradshaw (HB), Sue Gardiner (SG), Martin Gilbert (MG), Lynne Potter (LP)


  1. Apologies for Absence: Ben Twinn


  1. Minutes of the Meeting held 23rd October 2018

    1. Signature of Minutes Minutes were approved and signed by DB

    2. Matters Arising:Crockery Assessment LP reported to the meeting that Nisbits would charge £300.00 for the purchase of 50 plates, side plates and bowls.  Meeting discussed this cost and SG said she would price the same amounts from John Lewis and kindly agreeing to use her employee discount.  All members were in agreement that if this cost exceeded that of Nisbits we would choose to go with Nisbits.  PB wondered if it was worth enquiring of local pubs and restaurants if they were selling any of their crockery.  Meeting thought that this was a good idea and PB undertook to speak to Henny Swann.  Meeting agreed that a decision needed to be made within seven days of the meeting.  NA advised that he had been unable to make contact with Chris Parker regarding the alterations needed in the kitchen to accommodate the new dishwasher.  MG said he would follow up with Chris on this matter.


  1. Treasurer’s ReportMG circulated Report until 12th February 2019  which highlighted that the Pilates instructor had reduced the number of classes held due to a drop off in attendance.  Meeting discussed and several members mentioned that there was increased competition for Pilates within the immediate area.  On the plus side MG said that Daphne had doubled her yoga sessions.  He also reminded the meeting of the Fireworks Credit Note that he had managed to have extended.  MG also mentioned that, due to an input error,  incorrect figures were showing for AVH on the Charities Commission website. MG was seeking ways to have the figures amended. Renewal of AVH insurance is due in March and MG asked the meeting that, if it were possible and cost effective, should the cover for the Fireworks be dropped.  Meeting agreed that if it made a difference to the premium then yes it should. 


  1. AVH Building Maintenance:Windows MG told meeting that he had some experience of these types of windows and, having discussed their condition with a local carpenter, felt there was merit in renovating rather than seeking replacement.  MG volunteered to effect the repairs without any charge for his labour but with the assistance of the local carpenter. He estimated that the cost would be in the region of £500-£800 for materials and a couple of days labour for the carpenter.  Meeting unanimously approved this budget.  DB raised the requirement for towels in the toilets to be laundered.  After discussion the meeting approved the need for some new towels and SG undertook to buy 6 new grey towels from John Lewis.  LP kindly volunteered to launder the towels when required and to review how this process worked after eight weeks.  SG asked about the fixing of the Date Stone as this had still not been undertaken.  NA advised that a suitably skilled bricklayer would be working in the area in the next month or so and that he would speak to the bricklayer about undertaking the task. 


  1. Parish Council Change of Representative  NA advised the meeting that he was standing down as the representative for the Parish Council on the AVH Committee and that Eugene Franco would be the new representative.  DB proposed a vote of thanks to NA which was unanimously seconded.  NA said how much he had enjoyed working with AVH and what very good team spirit was always present.  He said that he was not withdrawing all support from AVH and he would still help when possible.  DB said that NA had, with his skills freely donated and his generous financial support, achieved more in a short space of time than many.  NA undertook to return his set of AVH keys to HB.  MG volunteered to take responsibility for some of the outstanding maintenance issues that NA had been managing.  Meeting thanked MG.


  1. Any Other BusinessLP enquired who was responsible or owned the path running in front of AVH as the surface was uneven and the path very narrow.  NA advised that the Parish Council owned and was responsible for the path and that this issue had previously been investigated.  The advice that the PC had received was that they were unable to undertake any works that alters the path in any way.  MG asked if the Parish Council could give permission to change the surface and NA said that he would check to establish whether advice previously received still held good.  DB felt that if it were possible to change the surface a path through from the car park to AVH would be very beneficial.  Meeting agreed.   Fete Committee:  MG advised that HB would join the Committee again and that SG had also volunteered together with DB and Jenny Twinn.  HB to organise the first fete committee within the next two weeks.  Permission to use the green for the purposes of the fete was formally sought from NA, as Parish Council representative, and this was duly given.  DB tabled the wording for a memorial plaque in memory of David Rutledge, to the meeting.  This had been received from Ian and Ann Rutledge who wished to commemorate David’s tireless work in securing the defibrillator located at AVH.  Meeting discussed wording but unanimously agreed that whatever wording Ian and Ann chose should be used.


  1. Date of Next Meeting HB undertook to organise the next meeting once the Accounts had been finalised and independently scrutinised with a view to then arranging the AVH AGM.  Meeting closed.

© 2023 by Alphamstone Village Hall. Proudly created by Edward Twinn

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