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Meeting of the Members of Alphamstone Village Hall

19th January 2016

To be held in The Village Hall

At 5 pm




  1. Apologies for absence

  2. Approval of the Minutes of the Meeting held  10th November 2015

    1. Signature of Minutes

    2. Matters Arising

      1. See Build agenda item 5

      2. Hall Bookings agenda item 6

  3. Treasurer’s Report

    1. Update

  4. Grant Application

4.1 Reconsider Grant Applications to Tom Amos Charity

  1. Build

    1. Maintenance Contracts

    2. Floor Installation

    3. Kitchen Design and quotes

  2. Hall Booking Process and Cleaning

    1. Terms and Conditions

  3. Any Other Business

  4. Date of next Meeting






Minutes of the Meeting

Of Alphamstone Village Hall Committee

Held on Tuesday 19th January 2016

At 5pm in The Village Hall


Present:                 Nigel Aulton (NA), Desmond Bridge (DB), Helen Bradshaw (HB), Sue Gardiner (SG), Eileen Hannis (EH), Lynne Potter (LP), Ben Twinn (BT)


  1. Apologies for absence:  All Committee Members were present


  1. Approval of the Minutes of the Meeting held on 10th November 2015


  1. Signature of Minutes: The Minutes were approved and signed

  2. Matters Arising:  To be taken under items 5 and 6

  1. Treasurer’s Report

SG proposed a vote of thanks to EH and LP for their kind loans to AVH which were in the process of being repaid to them.  Committee unanimously seconded this.  SG advised that after repayment the balances stood at £8196.66 and £82.89 in the National Savings account.  DB advised that he owes the account £219 profit from the Big Breakfast plus £26.00 for the surplus wine purchased for the PCC and £19.00 raised from the sale of clothing remaining from the Fete.  DB said he would write a cheque.

  1. Grant Application

After discussion it was agreed it would be preferable to apply to Tom Amos Charity for a grant towards the kitchen.  It was felt that we would be unlikely to achieve a grant from Garfield Weston.  HB and NA undertook to make the application for the April 1st deadline.  This application dependent on the redesign of the Kitchen being approved and quoted for.  This matter further discussed under next agenda item.

  1. Build

    1. Maintenance Contracts

The quote for a contract to maintain the Air Conditioning Units, previously circulated, was further expanded on by NA.  After discussion it was agreed that another quote be sought for comparison purposes.  NA said he would source. Meeting agreed that NA should shut down the system at the start of the summer and be the contact point for whichever company is appointed to maintain system

5.2 Fire Alarm and Electricity Installation Certificate

NA had obtained a quote to maintain and test the Fire Alarm System each year at a cost of £240.  Meeting felt another quote should be obtained and BT said he would ask Harry Lane if he would quote for this service. NA advised where the Fire Alarm instructions and key were held.  Meeting agreed that these instructions should be advised to all persons hiring the hall in case of a problem

NA advised meeting that he had been able to obtain a copy of the installation Certificate that showed had been tested in December 2014.  NA advised that the system was required to be recertified every 3 years.

5.3  Floor Installation

NA and BT updated meeting that the car park works had been delayed due to the very wet winter.  Meeting agreed that this would delay the installation of the new floors as it was vital to have the outside works completed prior to them being laid.  HB undertook to advise CIF of the delay and check this had no effect on our grant.  NA advised that there were three roof tiles broken or dislodged on the roof he and BT agreed to investigate further outside the meeting and co-opt any help they could to resolve

5.4 Kitchen Design and Quotes

Meeting discussed kitchen and it was agreed to form a sub-committee for this purpose.  SG, EH and NA agreed to form.  NA to circulate a draft design for consideration together with a list of works that this redesign would entail.  Meeting agreed that after this had been approved it would be worth approaching Alphamstonians for donations to complete the Hall

  1. Hall Booking Process

    1. Terms and Conditions  These were discussed and HB and DB agreed to meet to re-draft same, taking into account the views of the Meeting.  NA raised the issue of occupancy rates in AVH and the need to ensure any person hiring the Hall complied with the Fire Service guidelines.  NA undertook to establish what AVH occupancy rates were.  Meeting agreed also that within the Terms and Conditions should be included an Information Sheet drafted along the lines of “What To Do In The Event Of”.  BT said he would check requirements and HB and DB undertook to send the finalized Ts&Cs to BT for forwarding to the Insurers.  Hirers of the Hall will in future, be required to sign the Terms and Conditions and send a deposit for any Hire

    2. Bookings  DB advised that after meeting Grania Nelson he was now the contact point for Bookings of AVH.  These will be done by use of both email and telephone.  EH undertook to change the details in the Parish Magazine.  A vote of thanks to Grania Nelson was proposed by HB and unanimously seconded.  A tangible gesture of appreciation to Grania was also suggested which DB undertook to arrange on behalf of all the Committee.

    3. Cleaning  Agreed to defer any decision until Floor Installation Completed.  SG undertook to put bins out for collection when required

  2. Any Other Business

    1. Installation of Table Tennis Table  EH advised that several villagers would like the opportunity to play Table Tennis in the Hall.  Meeting discussed this proposal and decided that as there was nowhere to store the table securely at this time, regretfully, not possible but once the floors were installed this could be reconsidered at a later date.

    2. Fete  HB raised the need to start considering the Fete this year.  DB, SG, EH and HB agreed to form Fete Committee again.  First meeting was agreed for 9.2.16 at 5pm.


  1. Date of Next Meeting  Meeting agreed to meet on 9th March 2016 at 5pm in The Village Hall



© 2023 by Alphamstone Village Hall. Proudly created by Edward Twinn

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