Meeting of the Members of Alphamstone Village Hall
19th March 2015
To be held in The Village Hall
At 7 pm
Apologies for absence
Approval of the Minutes of the Meeting held 26th February 2015
Signature of Minutes
Matters Arising from Minutes
See Build Committee item
Thomas Amos Application
Letters of Thanks
Treasurer’s Report
Update on current financial position (BT)
Contractor Update
Works undertaken since last meeting
Any works outstanding to complete Phase 1
Invoices outstanding for phase one
Any Other Business
Date of next Meeting
Build Committee Meeting
Floor choices
Minutes of Alphamstone Village Hall
Committee Meeting held on 19th March 2015
At 7pn in The Village Hall
Present: Helen Bradshaw (HMB), Desmond Bridge (DB), Tom Fryer (TF) Eileen Hannis (EH), Lynne Potter (LP), Ben Twinn (BT
Apologies for Absence: Peter Duffus, Sue Gardiner
Approval of the Minutes of the Meeting held 26th February 2015
Signature of Minutes
The meeting approved the minutes and they were signed by TF
Matters Arising
Chairs for Charity
DB updated the meeting on the monies raised from The Chairs for Charity Auction and how this amount had been generously “topped up” by Sue and Murray Emerson. The meeting asked HMB to write a Letter of Thanks.
2.2.2 DB agreed to write the article for the Parish Magazine updating readers on the Chairs for Charity evening.
2.2.3 The meeting asked HMB to note in these Minutes their unanimous vote of thanks to Mandy Fryer for not only painting the lobby area but assisting in readying the Hall for the Chairs for Charity evening.
2.2.4 Final Site Tidy Up
Meeting agreed there was still some work to do externally and agreed that, between them, they would informally agree when.
2.2.5 Asset Register
This task remained outstanding and EH and HMB agreed to liaise with TF when this could be accomplished.
2.2.6 Village Hall Drains
BT undertook to follow up with John McGlashan regarding the drainage plan
2.2.7 Thomas Amos Application
An email had been previously circulated, by DB, outlining the options available to the Committee. The Committee unanimously agreed to take more time preparing the application and delay submission.
Treasurer’s Report
BT did not have all figures to hand but advised the Committee that a ball park figure of £7,000 was in the current account with the following invoices outstanding: Grafton £550.00, sink, water heater and plumbing £424.37
TF had yet to submit his invoice for works up to date and whilst he offered to defer being paid the Committee asked him to put in his invoice so ready for the year end and the Charity Commission return.
Discussion arose about the need to keep the £2,000.00 ‘buffer’ in the current account that had been previously agreed, but had been breached earlier in the year. LP said she thought it important to keep this minimum amount in the account and the Committee agreed with her.
DB said that, if the occasion arose, he would underwrite the £2,000.00 to enable works to finish and from that point onwards the £2,000.00 would be ring fenced
BT advised that the policy had been altered to reflect that the Village Hall had been signed off and the cover now was not buildings cover but third party cover. He told the Committee that there might be a minor shortfall of the premium. He also advised the Committee that the Hall had not had 3rd party cover at the time of the Chairs for Charity auction as he had not been advised of sign off of the Hall and had been made aware too late to change the insurance cover.
Contractor Update
TF reiterated that the Hall had been signed off and that the sink had been fitted. Carpentry work and glazing work had also been undertaken. TF advised the Committee that damp was a problem on some external and party walls and remedial works would be required.
TF had brought along a sample of pine flooring that he was recommending to the Committee to use throughout the main body of the Hall. Discussion arose about durability, lead time and total cost of fitting floor. TF advised that he and Ben McGlashan would be able to lay the flooring. He also advised that Neil Andrews was able to provide a quote for non-slip flooring and the meeting agreed that TF should ask Neil to do so.
TF mentioned that he would like to fit the date stone in the fireplace area of the Hall. No decision was taken.
Any Other Business
No A.O.B was raised
Date of Next Meeting
Meeting was agreed to be held on 9th April at 7 pm in The Village Hall, HMB to advise those not present
Build Committee
TF was asked to leave the meeting
Floor Choices
DB had previously circulated an email outlining flooring options that he had sourced for the main body of the Hall. EH also had quotes from Carpet Connection for the non- slip flooring required in the kitchen and toilets and also their quote for flooring in the main body of the hall. LP suggested, and the meeting agreed that the same non-slip flooring used in the kitchen and toilets should be fitted in the porch area. The meeting thought this a good idea and it was unanimously agreed.
Committee agreed that before any decision could be taken on the flooring full and detailed quotes needed to be obtained for all the options.
EH said that now sign off had been achieved it would be a useful exercise to draw up a list of all outstanding works and obtain independent professional quotes for same. Meeting agreed and EH agreed to draw up a list ready for discussion at next meeting.
Meeting Closed