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Meeting of the Members of Alphamstone Village Hall

21st June 2016

To be held in The Village Hall

At 5 pm




  1. Apologies for absence

  2. Approval of the Minutes of the Meeting held 12th April 2016

    1. Signature of Minutes

    2. Matters Arising

      1. See Build agenda item 4

      2. Insurance cover for replacement/shoring up of party wall

  3. Treasurer’s Report


  4. Build

    1. Maintenance Contracts  - electrical quote

    2. Kitchen – sub committee update

  5. Arrangements for Annual General Meeting

    1. Date of Next Meeting

    2. Trustees not standing at AGM

    3. Reports required

  6. Keys for Film Club

  7. Hire Request Form

  8. Any Other Business

  9. Date of next Meeting

Minutes of the Meeting of the Members

Of Alphamstone Village Hall

Held on 21st June 2016

In The Village Hall at 5pm


Present:          Nigel Aulton (NA), Helen Bradshaw (HB), Desmond Bridge (DB), Sue Gardiner (SG), Eileen Hannis (EH) entered meeting at item 6, Lynne Potter (LP)


  1. Apologies for Absence     Ben Twinn, Eileen Hannis had advised that she would be late to the meeting.


  2. Approval of the Minutes held 12th April 2016

    1. Signature of Minutes  amendments to items 3 and 5 were drawn to the attention of the Committee and the Minutes were signed by the Chairman DB.

    2. Matters Arising  BT had requested NA to brief the meeting that the new Insurance Policy does include the shoring up of the party wall


  3. Treasurer’s Report

    SG advised the meeting that we had £9509.55 in the AVH account.


  4. Build

    1. Maintenance Contracts and electrical quote

      NA advised meeting that BT had been unable to obtain an electrical quote as yet. NA briefed the meeting on a maintenance quote he had received from Service Cool.  Meeting discussed and felt that this was a good option but agreed for HB to circulate the Agreement and for HB to go ahead with signing quote unless concerns were raised.

      4.2 Kitchen Sub-Committee Update

      The final plans for the kitchen were presented, discussed and unanimously approved.  NA will agree date with CJP for installation

      4.3 Miscellaneous Build Update

      Meeting discussed the car park and agreed to decide on the final finish at a later date.  NA updated the meeting that the outside kerbs had been continued round corner. He also advised that the wiring for the Film Club speakers was in place.  Cupboard at far end was discussed and the meeting unanimously agreed for this work to be progressed.  Discussion arose about what works remained outstanding and what priorities should be given to them.  Agreed to defer this piece of work until after the AGM.


  5. Arrangements for the AGM

    1. Date of Next Meeting Holiday and work commitments of the Members resulted in the Committee aiming to have the Meeting sometime in the last ten days of July.  Meeting agreed 5pm as the start date

    2. Trustees not standing at AGM  EH had indicated that she would not stand

    3. Reports Required

      Treasurer’s Report and Accounts SG highlighted that she needed to meet with BT as he had kindly agreed for his accountants to review the AVH accounts again this year. SG to produce Treasurer’s Report

      Secretary’s Report HB to produce

      Chairman’s Report DB to produce


  6. Keys for Film Club

    Frank Ranger had asked to be supplied with a set of keys for Film Club. No objections were made. This request led on to a general discussion about keys and the meeting unanimously agreed to change the lock and leave a set in the key safe for those hiring the hall.  Meeting also agreed that the code to the key safe be regularly changed.


  7. Hire Request Form

    DB had received a request to hire AVH chairs and felt that a form was needed showing how many chairs and tables any hirer took and what terms and conditions attached to same.  Meeting agreed £1. a chair and DB undertook to create the form

    From this discussion meeting agreed that an inventory was long overdue and HB and SG undertook to carry out.


  8. Any Other Business

    A request from the Parish Council asking if the new notice board could be attached to the AVH wall.  Meeting unanimously agreed to this request.


  9. Date of Next Meeting

    Meeting agreed that the AGM would be the next meeting

© 2023 by Alphamstone Village Hall. Proudly created by Edward Twinn

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