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Minutes of the Meeting

Of the Members of Alphamstone Village Hall

Held on 21st November 2017 at 5 p.m. in the Village Hall


Present:       Desmond Bridge (DB), Helen Bradshaw (HB), Sue Gardiner (SG), Martin Gilbert (MG)


  1. Apologies for Absence:   Nigel Aulton (NA), Lynne Potter (LP), Ben Twinn (BT)


  2. Minutes of the Meeting held on 5th September 2017

    1. Signature of Minutes  Minutes were approved and signed

    2. Matters Arising Bonfire had been cancelled.  HB advised that PAT had been completed, at no cost to AVH in September. A copy of the confirming email to be sent to MG.  Inventory remains outstanding


  3. Treasurer’s Report

    1. Treasurers Report had been previously circulated by MG. 

    2. MG advised that budget showing improvement based on previous years. 

    3. A Credit Note had been received from Dynamic Fireworks.

    4.   Gift Aid on outstanding donations can be claimed until 5.4.18.  HB to check through minutes to identify any unclaimed sums


  4. Building Maintenance

    1. Painting party had been deferred until Spring 2018

    2. In liaison with Social Club MG had undertaken to identify a new projector screen which fitted the criteria for Social Club.  MG had identified a suitable screen for £221. Including VAT and delivery and asked the meeting to approve purchase.  Passed unanimously

    3. MG felt the list of maintenance items should be put on the agenda for next meeting and include a cupboard for Social Club to be constructed in the entrance hall to the left of the door.  HB to put on agenda

    4. Klargester.  DB had been in contact with various companies.  He undertook to seek quotes for all remedial works that had been identified.


  5. Any Other Business

    1. DB reported good news on the bookings with a regular Pilates slot commencing on Monday night for a three month trial commencing 8.1.18.  DB confirmed that the organiser held their own insurance

    2. MG undertook to calculate costs to the PCC for hiring AVH whilst works were undertaken at the Church

    3. HB advised that, for personal reasons, she would be standing down from the AVH Events Committee.  DB thanked her past contribution.


  6. Date of Next Meeting  Agreed as 6th February 2018 at 5 p.m. in the Village Hall

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