Meeting of the Members of Alphamstone Village Hall
22nd January 2015
To be held in The Village Hall
At 7 pm
Apologies for absence
Approval of the Minutes of the Meeting held 8th January 2015
Signature of Minutes
Matters Arising from Minutes
AVH Web Page
Treasurer’s Report
Update on current financial position (BT)
Outstanding Invoices
Annual Return to Charity Commission
Grant Application
Contractor Update
Works undertaken since last meeting
Outcome of discussions with BDC regarding paths
Water Ingress
Build Committee Meeting
Kitchen Update
Plastering in kitchen
Floor quotes
Additional keys for AVH
Any Other Business
Date of next Meeting
Minutes of Alphamstone Village Hall
Committee Meeting held on 22nd January 2015
At 7pm in The Village Hall
Present: Helen Bradshaw (HMB), Desmond Bridge (DB), Sue Gardiner (SG), Eileen Hannis (EH), Peter Duffus (PD) Lynne Potter (LP), Ben Twinn(BT), Tom Fryer (TF}
Apologies for absence
All the Committee were present
Approval of the Minutes of the Meeting held 8th January 2015Signature of Minutes
TF advised that under point 4.1 that the Glazing “would cost about £250.00 not had cost £250. The minutes were changed accordingly and EH signed the minutes
Matters Arising
Further to the meeting of 8th January HMB clarified with the meeting that it was the minutes from the start of the new committee, October 27th 2014, that were to be posted to the minutes page. The meeting agreed this was correct and thanked HMB for paying for the first year of the domain name.
Treasurer’s ReportUpdate on current financial position
BT circulated a note showing the position of AVH since the meeting on 8th January. The resultant total of cheques being paid out was £3842.42 with a total of £909.61 being paid in. Amongst amounts being paid was a kind donation from an Alphamstonian.
The resulting balances for AVH are
Total at the bank £678.67, Leeds £927.77 and NSI £82.89. DB suggested that the amount in the Leeds, once moved to the current account be ringfenced. Meeting agreed.
One of the invoices paid was to RJ Weavers £780.00. HMB queried what period this invoice related to as it was over the monthly £500. BT circulated a copy of the invoice that showed dates finishing before end November 2014. HMB asked about the works RJW had undertaken for AVH around the Christmas period. TF said that this work had been undertaken free of charge by RJW. TF also advised that RJW had, earlier in the project, undertaken the damp proofing free of charge. BT said this was not the case and produced copy of invoice from RJW relating to same. HMB said she thought the £500. monthly limit for TF was a cumulative one. Members advised this was not the case and was for materials only.
TF then circulated the three original quotes that had been returned by local builders when invited to tender for the AVH build. BT indicated that he had asked TF for these quotes outside of a meeting. TF wanted all the committee to have the documents so there was transparency. HMB undertook to ensure the quotes were kept on file.
Outstanding Invoices
BT asked TF if there were any further invoices outstanding and TF advised only one for the slabs required as hard standing outside the doors approximately £80.00 Discussion arose regarding the requirements for laying the slabs with SG enquiring whether a subbase was required. TF advised that BDC know what AVH intend to do and TF will lay according to BDC requirements. LP said that TF would never do anything to prejudice the build and SG said that was not her inference it was purely, with her background in groundworks, that she was seeking to ascertain the specifications.
DB said we need to get signed off to enable the Hall to be used and that we need to go to the Village with estimates for the floors etc. and ask for donations.
BT advised that there would be an invoice from the accountants, for the external audit ENSOR.
Annual Return to Charity Commission
BT confirmed that the accounts had been scrutinised by his auditor and he was able to make the financial return by 5.2.15
DB updated meeting on the information held by the Charity Commission on AVH and it was found to be very out of date. HMB undertook to update the Commssion with the names of the current trustees
Gift Aid
EH advised that Robert Hume would apply for current outstanding Gift Aid
BT undertook to update Therese Melville with the amount received for the shredder she had donated and to ascertain whether she was still willing to match the amount of money raised by the sale of her donated items.
Grant Application
TF advised that he had met with Sue Shepherd {SS} from the Rural Communities. SS had advised TF that efforts for grant applications would be best focused towards the Thomas Amos Charity where amounts between £500 to £30,000 were available. SS had suggested to TF that AVH apply for a grant of £12,000 which would cover the cost of the floors, landscaping, moving sheds etc.
TF then went on to say that there was also the possibility of funds for Solar Panels, at a future date, and for that we would need an Insulation Certificate before a grant application could be made.
DB asked TF if some assistance in applying for the grants would be help, as it is a complicated process. TF said he would welcome the help and DB suggested a sub-committee which TF seconded and EH said she would help. TF said there is money available which needs chasing but should we be successful could become available in 4-6 months.
Contractor Update
As referred to under item 3. TF had met with BDC regarding the hard standing required outside. TF had been advised that 12 slabs were required,six at each entrance, to meet building regulations.
DB asked now this had been agreed with BDC what else was required to achieve sign off and the associated costs. The following was established
Hard standing – slabs cost approx. £80 plus …
Door furniture which PD kindly offered to pay for
Kitchen including the sink approx.. £300, unit for sink £100. Water heater and associated plumbing costs approx.. £400. LP said she would lend £750 to enable works to start on kitchen. This offer was gratefully accepted by all
PD said he would make a donation.
The cooker also needed to be moved and plumbed in and the drain and gulley fitted outside.
TF advised that at the end of the build he would hand over to the committee a folder containing all guarantees of work etc.
Build Committee Meeting
At DB request, in line with Agreement, TF left the meeting.
EH and SG presented to the meeting the revised plans for the kitchen. All the meeting agreed that the rest of the kitchen should be plastered out. DB said he would pay for the cost of plastering the kitchen and asked for two quotes to be sought. BT to ask Neil Andrews and HMB to seek another quote. Meeting thanked DB. It was also discussed whether to plaster the end of the new build. Quotes for this were also to be sought. DB asked if the two quotes could be split between the kitchen and the new build.
EH had offered a loan of £500. 00 at the previous meeting and now offered to add another £100 to said loan.
Meeting agreed that the cooker and cooker hood to be relocated as per revised plans. Also that the correct sink be bought now even though it might cost more as better to have right one to start with. A one and a half bowl, to cover hand washing requirements, was agreed on. LP thought stainless steel splash backs around the work areas of the kitchen would be better than tiles. Several members agreed but decision deferred.
SG and EH had also met with a flooring specialist. EH and SG had asked if it were currently a requirement to have non slip floors in kitchen and toilet areas. They had been told that whilst not currently this was likely to be so in the future. The type of floor covering discussed was Altro flooring which could be floated up the wall. LP said whilst this was a functional flooring it looked municipal. PD pointed out that nothing could be agreed for these areas until a specification for the finish in the main all had been agreed as the floors in these areas need to be flush with this finish. All meeting agreed that non-slip flooring be laid in kitchen and toilet areas. A figure of £1,718 plus VAT had been quoted by Carpet Connection Sudbury for this work. LP enquired whether there was someone more local who could be asked to quote for this type of work. Meeting did not know of anyone.
Discussion arose about organising a work party for the outside area. HMB suggested a skip but meeting thought would cost too much. HMB said she would check. A date of 28th February was agreed on and DB said he would seek to raise local support. HMB said she would include in email to Alphamstonians when sending link for AVH website.
Number of sets of keys for the Hall was raised by SG. DB said he would check if TF had a set, BT said he had a set and Mary Parker also. It was agreed that if TF had a set then three sets was probably enough.
DB undertook to update TF with the decisions of the Build Committee and agree works with him.
Any Other Business
There were no items
Date of Next Meeting
Next meeting was agreed to be held on 5th February at 7pm in The Village Hall