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Minutes of the Meeting

Of Alphamstone Village Hall held on

22nd October 2019 at 5 p.m in

The Village Hall


Present:  Desmond Bridge (DB), Paul Bolton (PB), Helen Bradshaw (HB), Eugene Franco (EF), Martin Gilbert (MG), Sue Gardiner (SG)


Apologies:  Ben Twinn


  1. Minutes of the Meeting held 6th August 2019Minutes were approved and signed

    1. Matters Arising: Hog Roast:   DB advised that he had a quote for a hog roast to cater for 100 people at a cost, including buns etc., of £750-800.  A DIY version, us supplying staff, buns etc. would cost £450.00.  Meeting discussed holding a joint VE celebration with Lamarsh Village Hall.  DB to speak to LVH.  If decided to go ahead with the event DB offered to underwrite half of the cost.  Big Breakfast  PB had approached Foragers restaurant to see if they would be willing to cater this event but they had declined.  PB to investigate further options.  Hedge and Garden Maintenance  EF had spoken to Andrew Hogsbjerg who would be willing to work with AVH.  Meeting thought that his services would be required every six weeks in the summer.  DB undertook to meet.  Winter Warmer Dinner  LP and SG had spoken and were liaising regarding this.  Grant Application  HB had not submitted but will do so in 2020.  Date Stone LP had met with Roly Southcott who had agreed to fix stone in place.  He had queried whether the stone should be cleaned before fixing.  Meeting agreed this would not be done.  LP to liaise.  Review of Kitchen  This item is pending DB and MG.


  1. Treasurer’s ReportMG briefed the meeting on AVH finances.  As at 22nd October the situation was generally positive and on target to achieve the budget.  Projection for Xmas Fair receipts was difficult as there was now competition from the Lamarsh Lion Pub on the same day holding a similar event .PB agreed to assist Deirdre with setting up for the Fair on 7.12.19.  Costs of AVH were in line with projection.  The curtain rail had been paid for and £16,000.00 was in the bank.  DB suggested hiving off £5,000.00 into a separate account.  MG said that The Pumpkin Patch had raised £355.50 and a vote of thanks to Deirdre and Mary was proposed and unanimously seconded.  MG had also arranged for books remaining from previous book stalls to be relocated.  He reminded the meeting of the ongoing credit note for Fireworks.


  1. AVH Building MaintenanceHeating had been raised as an issue by Yoga and Pilates DB undertook to speak.  MG would check that WiFi was working ok.


  1. Any Other Business   MG said that the local history display in Church had gone very well and a decision needed to be taken on what to do with the items that had been on display.  Meeting agreed that items were a resource that should be on display in AVH.  EF suggested shelf with position to be agreed and this was unanimously approved.  Fete Committee  DB,HB,MG,SG all agreed to be on Fete Committee again and PB said he would sit on Committee too.  HB to arrange date in January for first meeting.


  1. Date of Next MeetingAgreed as 7th April 2020. 

© 2023 by Alphamstone Village Hall. Proudly created by Edward Twinn

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