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Meeting of the Members of Alphamstone Village Hall

23rd October 2018

To be held in The Village Hall

At 5 pm




  1. Apologies for absence

  2.  Minutes of the Meeting held 14th August 2018

    1. Signature of Minutes

    2. Matters Arising

      CIF Application for Windows HB, New Fridges MG, Dishwasher assessment DB, Crockery Assessment LP

  3. Treasurer’s Report


  4. AVH Building Maintenance

  5. Any Other Business

  6. Date of next Meeting

Minutes of the Meeting

Of the Members of Alphamstone Village Hall

Held on Tuesday 23rd October 2018 at 5 p.m. in

The Village Hall


Present:               Desmond Bridge (DB), Nigel Aulton (NA), Paul Bolton (PB), Helen Bradshaw (HB), Martin Gilbert (MG)


Apologies for Absence:                                Sue Gardiner, Lynne Potter, Ben Twinn


  1. Minutes of the Meeting held 14th August 2018 

    1. The Minutes were approved and signed by DB

    2. Matters Arising.  CIF application, HB advised that the grant application had been completed and submitted by the due date and its receipt acknowledged.  MG updated meeting that the new fridges were now in the kitchen and the old ones had been taken to the Municipal waste site.  DB had been reviewing dishwashers and thought that a commercial model was not required for the Hall but a reasonable brand, with a decibel lower than 50 could be purchased.  NA thought one achievable for about £250.  Meeting agreed.  Meeting agreed location for the dishwasher in the kitchen which required some remedial works.  NA undertook to arrange these.  On a related but separate matter DB advised that he and an Alphamstonian were going to undertake a re-arrangement of the storage of items in the kitchen.  DB had undertaken an audit of crockery in the kitchen and found that, whilst there were different styles, there were 30-35 functional plates, no pudding bowls or side plates but certainly enough cups, saucers and mugs.  NA offered a number of pint and half pint glasses to the Hall which was accepted.  Crockery to be put on agenda for the next meeting, HB, to await LP assessment

  2. Treasurer’s Report

    1. MG reported that the Hall Budget had required recasting for the following reasons. Some Pilates classes had been consolidated which had resulted in a net impact reduction on budget of £250.  Fireworks not proceeding resulting in lost income of approximately £1000.  MG to follow up with Dynamic Fireworks re status of Credit Note but there would be no impact on budget 2018/2019.  No budget for Building Maintenance had yet been agreed.  The bank account balance at 5th October 2018 was £12,431.06

  3. AVH Building and Maintenance

    1. Heating in the Hall.  HB had been asked to raise the issue of Heaters being left on in the Hall after use.  DB undertook to reiterate to all Hirers the need to turn off the heating when exiting the Building.  PB agreed to make a laminated sign for the external door reminding users to turn off the heating before exiting.

    2. NA raised the question of the Fire Alarm being serviced and tested.  Meeting agreed a quote to be sought which would also include an on call service HB/NA.

    3. Whilst an earlier PAT exercise had tested all existing equipment it was raised that the Microwave and new fridges required testing.  NA agreed to arrange.

    4. Windows are pending the outcome of the CIF grant application

    5. MG highlighted that the step on the Fire Exit was broken.  NA agreed to arrange new tiling

    6. With the clocks changing the issue of outside lighting was again raised and NA agreed to look at time delay switching to be used in conjunction with an outside light

    7. Left toilet door catching slightly and NA agreed to resolve

  4. Any Other Business

    1. PB had been approached by a Hall user asking if the Committee would reconsider allowing dogs into the Hall.  PB tabled a Campaign Notice, Be Dog Friendly, which encouraged public buildings to allow dogs.  After discussion the meeting agreed unanimously to continue their policy of not allowing dogs into the Hall other than Guide or Assistance dogs.

    2. DB had received a request for payment for a TV licence for the Hall.  The Hall has no TV but members wondered if one were required for those watching BBC on tablets etc.  DB to contact TV Licensing to clarify position

  5. Date of Next Meeting was agreed as 12th February 2019 at 5 p.m. in The Village Hall.  Meeting closed


© 2023 by Alphamstone Village Hall. Proudly created by Edward Twinn

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