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Alphamstone Village Hall

Meeting Minutes

24th April 4.30pm AVH



Sue Gardiner

Lynne Potter

Martin Gilbert

Laura Richardson (secretary)

Desmond Bridge (chair)


  • Approval of minutes from last meeting



  • Matters Arising



  • Financial Update (MG)

MG – End of year finances as per attached.

Headlines are that it has been a negative year in terms of £2600 spent more than has come in. This year the major cost was for the new heating system which accounts for almost all of the deficit, otherwise costs were similar.

Increased contributions from Social Club and Coffee Morning over the year.

Yoga, toddler group and Pilates no longer attending which would normally have brought in £440 over the year.


  • Heating

Controls arrived in February via a new supplier. Wiring works have been started internally. Works have hit a snag in the way that the wiring is currently, as it is not as simple to install the new wires as had been hoped. MG to contact the electrician that did the previous works to discuss.


  • Building & Maintenance

Path works booked in to be completed after the fete. We hope that they will give adequate notice of works in advance of commencement!

Ongoing works to the sheds to fix holes.

Replacement security light has been purchased and ready to be installed.


  • Future Plans (DB)

Melinda is happy to do a Greek themed dinner. (LR to contact to start the ball rolling.)

LR & SG to discuss another “dinner”.

LR to talk to Matt about doing another breakfast.


Laura to invoice for cleaning works as this is overdue.

LR to purchase new kettle as current is not pouring properly.

LR to book a date for the oven clean and ensure they don’t put chemicals down the drain, but must take it away.


  • Date of Next Meeting

AGM date : Saturday 3rd June 10.30am


Meeting adjourned at 17.15pm.

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