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Meeting of the Members of Alphamstone Village Hall

26th February 2015

To be held in The Village Hall

At 7 pm



Apologies for absence

Approval of the Minutes of the Meeting held  12th February 2015

Signature of Minutes

Matters Arising from Minutes 

See Build Committee item 

Asset Register

Treasurer’s Report

Update on current financial position  (BT) 

Contractor Update

Works undertaken since last meeting

Any Other Business

Date of next Meeting

Build Committee Meeting

Arrangements for Work Party 28th February

Kitchen Update



Minutes of Alphamstone Village Hall

Committee Meeting held on 26th February 2015

At 7pm in The Village Hall


Present: Helen Bradshaw (HMB), Desmond Bridge (DB), Peter Duffus (PD), Tom Fryer (TF), Sue Gardiner (SG), Eileen Hannis (EH), Lynne Potter (LP), Ben Twinn (BT)


Apologies: All the Committee were present


Approval of the Minutes of the Meeting held on 12th February 2015

Signature of Minutes

SG asked that it be noted under point 6.9 of these minutes that she had offered to pay half of the half of the skip with HMB.

TF signed the minutes

Matters Arising

Web Site

DB advised that he had spoken to those concerned and that whilst there was little enthusiasm for a joint site a link would be made available to the AVH site.  HMB to speak to Ed Twinn.

Loan Agreements

EH and LP said they had reviewed their draft agreements and were happy to add/amend details by hand and give to BT.  This was done.

2.2.3   Drains

LP said she had spoken to John McGlashan who said the pipes are 900ml and run 

straight across to cargester following the line of the building.  BT said he would feel happier with a diagram and would speak to JMcG.

Asset Register

Committee agreed that it would be useful to have a record of all items owned by AVH.  TF, EH and HMB undertook to complete on morning of Saturday work party.

Treasurer’s Report

BT said that one cheque had been paid to the Plasterer. This cheque covered both outstanding invoices one for £600.00 and one for £1100.00. He also advised that a cheque had been paid to Anglian Water in the amount of £10.42 and one to EON for £186.26.  This latter invoice had been paid to a firm read.  BT and TF agreed to check when the contract was due for renewal and check what deals were available at that time.  TF advised he had got the best deal available when taking out existing contract.

BT updated Committee on the monies in the accounts.  £112.47 National Savings, £3076.43 in current account and £3776.00 when loan from LP had cleared.

BT had form for cheque signatory changes which HMB took to photocopy and pass on to the new signatories, DB and SG.

BT advised that his accountants had undertaken the scrutiny of AVH accounts pro bono.  HMB undertook to write a letter of thanks.

Contractor Update

TF advised that the Heras fencing was no longer required and could be removed from site. HMB undertook to get it moved asap.  HMB to write a letter of thanks to Ray Hales who had supplied it free of charge since the start of the build.

PD had kindly refitted the doors and locks

TF had made an arrangement with T Minter to remove the old bricks.  T Minter had agreed to pay 80p each for them.  

TF raised the possibility of a catering sink becoming available for loan.  He advised that BDC had indicated that the mounting the sink is contained in and the sink itself would meet all the requirements for sign off.  Committee agreed that if this were the case it would be a good way forward

Any Other Business

DB advised that he had downloaded the information from the Thomas Amos Charity. DB said that if AVH applied and failed there were no appeals available to us. He also said that we needed to decide whether we were applying for a grant or a loan from the Charity.  Whatever we chose to apply for DB felt and the Committee agreed, that we needed to identify the specifics of what we required in terms of finish and cost and that AVH also needed to identify the ongoing maintenance costs of the Hall. In this context it was agreed that Neil be asked to quote for providing non slip floors in the kitchen and toilets.

Committee agreed that costs for floors throughout the building to be sought and an application to the Charity targeted to this end.

EH went through a list of Charities to see what others could be approached for grants. TF said that some were now defunct or had been incorporated into others.  TF advised that he had a list of current charities and will forward to EH/HMB.

As there had been no recent photographs of the build progress, PD offered to take some photos. HMB asked if a couple could be made available for the web site.

Date of Next Meeting

19th March at 7pm in The Village Hall

Build Committee Meeting

 Work Party 28th February DB raised the question of arrangements for the work party day on 28th February.  TF said he had a plan to best use the volunteer labour on that day.  EH asked for some dust masks to be available and TF agreed to make sure some were available. TF said that much of the outside of the building had been cleared up and he didn’t think it was necessary now to have a skip. Committee agreed.

TF was  asked to leave the  meeting.

Kitchen  EH gave update on the kitchen following on from the finished design which had been previously circulated.  The quote for the kitchen, provided by CJP kitchens was £2000.00 plus VAT to supply and install.  The Build Committee unanimously voted thanks to CJP for this most generous of quotes. HMB to write letter of thanks when all finishes etc. agreed.

EH had all the samples for the finishes but Committee agreed to wait until the floor colour and finishes had been agreed before deciding.

Discussion arose about the type of flooring to go through the main body of the hall.  All agreed that a wood finish would be preferable.  DB undertook to research wood densities, sizes and costs.

Meeting Closed




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