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For the Annual General Meeting

Of Alphamstone Village Hall

To be held on Thursday 27th June 2019 at 5 p.m

In The Village Hall


  1. Apologies for Absence


  1. Approval of Minutes of AGM held on 18th May 2018

    • Signing of Minutes


  1. Chairman’s Report


  1. Treasurer’s Report and approval and signing of AVH accounts 2018/2019


  1. Secretary’s Report


  1. Any Other Business


  1. Question and Answer Session


  1. Election of Trustees.

    • Current Trustees to stand down and those wishing to do so offer themselves for re-election.To be proposed and seconded

    • Election of new Trustees. To be proposed and seconded

Minutes of the

Annual General Meeting of

Alphamstone Village Hall

Held on Thursday 27th June at 5 p.m

In The Village Hall



  1. Apologies for AbsenceEugene Franco, James Hunter, Eileen Hannis, Roger Gardiner, Rosemary and John Ingram, Julia Lampshire


  1. Paul Bolton (PB), Helen Bradshaw (HB), Desmond Bridge (DB), Sue Gardiner (SG), Martin Gilbert (MG), Lynne Potter (LP)


  1. Approval of Minutes of AGM held on 19th May 2018The minutes were approved by all present and signed by DB


  1. Chairman’s Report

Good afternoon everybody and thank you for coming. A while back it was suggested to me

that we should let Alphamstonians know who we are and what roles we fill as Trustees of this hall – one of the two public buildings in the village – as many folk did not know us or quite what we do.. At the time I felt that the ideal time to do this was at the Annual Meeting, but my naivety has been cruelly exposed.

We have, over the last few years, tried different times and days of the week for this AGM to

see if any was more convenient than others. It seems that busy lives or (and I say this in

hushed tones) indifference hold sway.

As a committee we hold collective responsibility for ensuring that the hall is fit for purpose,

complies with regulations imposed by the Charities Commission and has the necessary checks in place regarding Health and Safety, Safeguarding, Fire regulations, etc..

Individually, we hold different responsibilities with two of my colleagues taking on the brunt

of the work. I owe them both my gratitude for their input; Helen as Secretary and Martin as

Treasurer. Martin has also given freely of his time and talents to complete any number of

tasks which fall into the category “maintenance and improvements”. Although Nigel Aulton

has retired from the committee, he too, gives of his own time and that of his extensive “I know a man who will” list.

Reports are to be given by our Treasurer and Secretary so I will not waste your time and tread on their toes by going on for any longer, but hand over to Martin to explain what is currently a fairly healthy financial position.



  1. Treasurer’s Report and approval and signing of AVH accounts 2018/2019The accounts had been previously circulated, and were available also at the meeting.  They were approved and signed by DB as Chairman and Martin Gilbert as Treasurer. 

The 2018-19 accounting period saw an increase in funds of £5804, compared  with a minor deficit of £72 in 2017-18, with year end funds standing at £12,312.

Fundraising income was broadly the same as 2017-18 and hall hire income was up 17% on last year, primarily due to increased hall usage from Pilates and Yoga.  

Costs overall were substantially lower this year as less was spent on improving the fabric of building.  Day to day operating costs remained similar to prior year.

Spending on improving the hall this year included : 

  • £748 on new fridges;

  • £128  on repairs to fire exit step

  • £115 on a new hoover

  • £78 on new DVD

Note : other improvements were made to the hall during the year but time and materials were generously donated

Further improvements will be made during 2019-2020 as we work through our prioritised list.

  LP raised the issue of further income generating activities and HB undertook to put on the agenda for the first meeting of the new Committee.


  1. Secretary’s Report

From the date of the last AGM, 19.5.2018 AVH Trustees held 3 Meetings with the following key points

The first meeting of the new Committee was held on 14th August 2018. At that meeting Desmond Bridge was voted Chairman, Martin Gilbert  Treasurer and Helen Bradshaw Secretary.  Paul Bolton was provided with a copy of the Constitution of AVH.  

Insurance for the Hall, use of the Hall and Trustee Indemnity was renewed

Membership of the Rural Community Council of Essex was renewed

The joint Fete Committee of DB, MG, SG and HB were appointed.  Jenny Twinn was a PCC representative.

Nigel Aulton stepped down as the Parish Council representative and was replaced by Eugene Franco


  1. Any Other Business None was raised


  1. Question and Answer Session No questions arose


  1. Election of TrusteesHB advised that all existing Trustees, present and absent, had indicated their willingness to offer themselves for re-election.  Those present stood down.  DB proposed that all be re-elected and this was seconded by MG


  1. Date of next MeetingAgreed as Tuesday 6th August 2019 at 5 p.m in The Village Hall

© 2023 by Alphamstone Village Hall. Proudly created by Edward Twinn

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