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Meeting of the Members of Alphamstone Village Hall Committee

27th October 2014





1.      Apologies for absence


2.      New Members

2.1.   Sue Gardiner, Eileen Hannis and Helen Bradshaw to be welcomed and given a copy of The Charity Scheme as required under section 10 (2) of said Scheme


3.      Approval of the Minutes of the Meeting held 9th October 2014

3.1.   Matters arising from Meeting

3.2.   Scrutiny/audit of Accounts  (BT)

3.3.   Payment by Social Club of Ground Rent (TF)


4.      Election of Officers of the Committee

4.1.   Chairman

4.2.   Secretary

4.3.   Treasurer  (or one who may be employed under reasonable terms that the committee think fit)

4.4.   Approach to Alphamstone PCC for their representative


5.      Cheque Signatories

5.1.   Appointment of new Signatories


6.      Scheduling, Costing  and Approval of Remaining Works

6.1.   Update by TF

6.2.   Process for approval and sign off for  remaining ‘finishes’

6.3.   Safe location for Hall Cooker in interim


7.      Funding of Remaining Works

  • High Sheriff Applications for Funding (TF)

7.2.   Auction of Promises (TF)

  • Events (EH)

7.4.   Appeal to Alphamstonians directly (HMB)


  • Insurance

    Buildings Insurance (BT)

    Contractors Insurance

    Trustees Indemnity

9.      Arrangements for Bonfire Night 8.11.14

9.1.   First Aider

9.2.   Tickets, Catering and Serving Arrangements

9.3.   Erection of Shelter

9.4.   Lighting

9.5.   Other

10.    Communications

10.1.                    Flyer to Village

10.2.                    Social Media

10.3.                    Temporary Notice Board

11.      Items from Terese

11.1.                    List of Items and Funds Raised from each Item

11.2.                    Items remaining

12.  Frequency of Meetings

12.1.                    More Frequent Meetings until Build Completed (SG)


13.  Flowers  for Deirdre and Mary


14.  Any Other Business


15.  Date of Next Meeting




Minutes of the Village Hall Committee Meeting

October 27th 2014


Present:   Helen Bradshaw (HMB), Tom Fryer (TF), Sue Gardiner (SG), Eileen Hannis (EH), Lynne Potter (LP), Ben Twinn (BT)

1.            Apologies for Absence

                Apologies for absence were received from Peter Duffus

2.            New Members

2.1          Sue Gardiner, Eileen Hannis and Helen Bradshaw were welcomed to the Committee               

2.2          HMB distributed copies of The Charity Scheme to the new members as required under Section 10 (2) of the Scheme.

2.3          TF advised the committee that Mary Parker was proposing and he (TF) was         seconding Tom Whiffen to be co-opted on to the committee.  HMB was asked to invite       Tom Whiffen to the next meeting.

3.            Approval of the Minutes of the Meeting held 9th October 2014

The Minutes of the Meeting were agreed as being a fair representation by TF and BT and signed by TF.

                3.1          Matters Arising from Meeting

                                The following items arose

                                3.1.2      Scrutiny/audit of accounts

                                BT is in the process of having the accounts audited. HMB asked if, in the light                                      of the concerns raised by Desmond Bridge at the AGM regarding the                                                                   presentation of charity accounts, BT could seek guidance, from his accountant,                                                                 regarding this matter for the current year accounts. BT             undertook to do so.

                                3.1.3      Payment by Social Club of Hall Rent

                                The Committee was advised by TF that this matter has been ongoing for a                                                           while. A discussion arose involving TF, BT and EH.  BT thought that a good way                                    forward would be for him (BT) to approach Frank Ranger (FR) .  BT felt that it                                                           would   be useful for him to take to that meeting a schedule of costs for                                                       remaining works.  TF enquired what right would FR have to see these                                                                            projections. The Committee agreed to defer the question of Hall Rent to the                                                         next meeting.

4.            Election of Officers of the Committee

                4.1          Chairman

                                4.1.1      Nominations for Chairman were sought and TF and BT put themselves                                                  forward. HMB enquired whether or not a conflict of interest arose in the case of                                              TF as a Trustee member now and previously Chairman, when he was also in                                                      receipt  of Funds from The Village Hall. At no time was the integrity, honesty or                                                       goodwill of TF called into question. This situation is, however, in                                                                                breach of The    Alphamstone Village Hall Scheme (246976) item 12                                                                                 (1) and (2) and also item 26 5 (b).

                                 4.1.2     TF showed the meeting a generic Guidance Notes for Conflict of                                                              Interest which he believed served to vary The Scheme and allow                                                                             him to                 undertake both roles.  SG, HMB and BT did not accept that                                                                          this was the case.

                                4.1.3      EH suggested a constructive way forward would be for TF to stand                                                          down as a Trustee, whilst clarification was sought from The                                                                                         Charities Commission, but to still attend all meetings and continue                                                                             with the works to the Village Hall.  TF did not accept this                                                                                            suggestion.

                                4.1.4      HMB said that one of her main concerns was how the situation could  affect the validity of the Village Hall insurances and thereby leave the Trustees                                                                 personally open to liability claims should an event occur. TF and LP felt that this                                                 was unlikely.

                                4.1.5      In view of the impasse the Committee agreed that HMB seek                                                                    guidance from The Charities Commission, produce a briefing note                                                                            for all and arrange another meeting as soon as possible.

                                4.1.6      In the light of the foregoing the role of Chairman remains                                                                            unapointed

                4.2          Secretary

                                4.2.1      HMB said she would fulfil the role of Secretary if the Committee                                                               were in agreement. There were no dissents

                4.3          Treasurer

                                4.3.1      BT offered to be Treasurer, on a temporary basis, as he would like to be                                               considered for Chairman.  This was unanimously accepted.

                4.4          Approach to Alphamstone PCC for their representative

                                4.4.1      LP and TF said they had made approaches in the past for a                                                                           representative, from the PCC, but that the PCC had not nominated anyone

                                4.4.2      HMB undertook to approach the PCC for a representative even if                                                            attendance was on an occasional basis only.

5.            Cheque Signatories 

                5.1          BT enquired who were the current cheque signatories.  TF indicated it was                                                          himself, Deirdre Hume and Debbie Duffus.

                5.2          BT said there were a number of outstanding invoices to be paid and it was                                                           agreed to keep the current signatories until the middle of November.

Items 6 (1) and (2) and 8 (1), (2) and (3)

In the light of the discussion around item 4.1 the Committee agreed to defer these items until the next meeting.

                6.3          Safe Location of Cooker

SG enquired when the Cooker could be moved to a safe, dry area to prevent                     damage. TF indicated that originally it was due to be moved by BT but that                   events had moved on and it could soon be moved back into hall.  HB said                    that she and James Hunter had space in a container for it if there were any                                 ongoing problems to moving it.

7.            Funding of Remaining Works

                7.1          High Sheriff Applications for funding

TF had raised this possibility and HB tabled the outline application criteria for the Grant.  TF and others reviewed this and felt that the Village Hall would not be eligible to enter for this grant as the objective of the funds needed to be crime prevention

                7.2          Auction of Promises

                                  Committee felt this would be better deferred until January 2015

                7.3          Events

                                EH had many ideas for events but felt that the Hall build needed to be                                                                   further advanced before they were viable.  EH did, however, wonder                                                                   whether the build would be eligible for a Build Award of some nature.  HMB                                                         undertook to research.

                7.4          Additional Funding

                                TF updated the meeting with the news that he had been in contact with                                                              Angela Vergase of My Communities to come and look at the project and                                                              works to date.  TF advised that this contact was with a view to a possible                                                                 top up of our existing                 grant.

9.            Arrangements for Bonfire Night

                9.1          First Aiders. 

                                TF confirmed he had spoken to Judith Hunter and Peter Duffus                 and they                                                              had confirmed their availability for 8th November

                9.2          Tickets, Catering and Serving Arrangements

                                9.2.1      EH agreed to have her telephone number as the contact number for                                                      tickets. HMB and EH to be on the gate for the evening and then                                                                               move to assist with catering

                                9.2.2      BT volunteered to devise and distribute flyer advertising the                                                                      Fireworks Party around Alphamstone and by email to Pebmarsh.

                                9.2.3      TF said he had all arrangements in hand to provide soup and mulled                                                        wine and would order and collect sausages.

                                9.2.4      SG enquired what she could do to assist.  TF asked if she would                                                                 collect rolls that he would order from Tesco and assist with cooking                                                                         and serving.


                9.3          Erection of Shelter and Lighting

                                TF said he had this in hand with his usual work party.

10.          Communications

                10.1        Flyer to Village

All agreed that a flyer indicating who the members of the Committee were, how to contact them, become involved in the village etc. was a good idea.  HMB undertook to make a draft for review by the Committee.               


                10.2 Social Media

                The idea of a Facebook page was raised as Paula Twin had offered to                                     develop one for us. LP raised concerns over this as she encountered the                       problems Facebook generate on a daily basis.  EH undertook to investigate further.

                10.3        Temporary Notice Board

                                BT undertook to arrange this.

11.          Items from Therese

                11.1        List of Items and funds raised from each item

                HMB advised the Committee that Deirdre Hume was in the process of                                   collating this information and had agreed to provide details to HMB.                                                Committee thought this would be a good piece of news to include in flyer (item 10.1).

                11.2        Items Remaining

TF advised that there was a small trailer and a good quality bbq that he had retained for use for the benefit of the Village Hall.

12           Frequency of Meetings               

                12.1        More Frequent Meetings until Build Complete

SG raised this issue and said she felt that it would be in the interests of the project to move to holding a meeting every 3 weeks. All agreed but there were concerns that not everyone would have the time to attend. It was agreed to move to this frequency on the understanding that not everyone could attend all the time.

13.          Flowers for Deirdre, Debbie and Mary 

13.1        TF advised the meeting that he had already bought and delivered flowers and bubbly to Debbie, Deirdre and Mary.

                13.2        TF asked HMB to draft a letter of thanks to Debbie, Deirdre and Mary

14.          Any Other Business

14.1        LP wondered if the Village Hall Committee could take a more Pastoral role, within the village, for those villagers who were not involved with the Church.  A discussion arose and the majority of the Committee felt that whilst an honorable concept this type of role was beyond their skill sets.             BT enquired if LP had anyone specific in mind which she did not. Meeting felt that this role was not something they could fulfil at the moment

14.2        LP thought it would be a good idea for our contact details to be shared.

                14.3        There was no other business


15.          Date of Next Meeting

                15.1        It was agreed to hold a meeting as soon as possible the following week.                                                    Week commencing 3.11.14. The meeting was in agreement that the                                                       presence of PD was most important and that HMB should establish his                                                          availability and arrange the meeting around same.

The meeting closed.



© 2023 by Alphamstone Village Hall. Proudly created by Edward Twinn

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