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Alphamstone Village Hall

Meeting Agenda

29th June 2022 5pm AVH

  1. Apologies

Lynne Potter

No response


  1. Attendees

Sue Gardiner

Martin Gilbert

Laura Richardson

Desmond Bridge


  1. Approval of minutes from last meeting

MG – to add that the Infrared is the option of choice. Matrix of heating options given for file.


  1. Matters Arising

Gardening – Ukrainian refugees to be employed (LR) – hedge cutting around the door. Weeding the car park. Taming the brambles. Utilising green bin. Leave excess at the back of carpark. £10ph. Agreed.


  1. Financial Update and Sign Off Annual Accounts (MG)

2022/2023 – nothing exceptional thus far.

2021/2022 – financial sign off. Extraordinary meeting notes agreed and filed. Accounts approved as presented and signed.


  1. Heating Vote on Approval

MG briefly ran through the issues that had previously been minuted along with the options that had been laid out and discussed. Infrared heating was previously favoured and the quote received is £2585.22 for the units to include units in the toilets, kitchen and across the hall. Additional costs: electrician £440+VAT for two days, materials estimated at £220 utilizing existing cable where possible, decommission of existing system is estimated at one day’s work at £250. Total costs £3584.

All in favour of the works to be commenced at the earliest opportunity to ensure it is up and running before the weather changes.


  1. Building & Maintenance

Nothing specific to report. The ongoing issue of the pathway is still with Eugene Franco.


  1. Future Plans (DB)

Fete is the next major event on July 17th. Following events not yet confirmed.

We cannot apply for grants due to the balance in the bank account. There are many available at the moment so we may be best placed to spend where needed.

Deirdre Roberts to be consulted re: pumpkin patch. (LR)


  1. AOB

None raised.


  1. Date of Next Meeting

AGM – Melinda to email out to inform of the date. LR to make a notice to put up in the board. Saturday 11am 13th August.

Close of meeting 17.25.

© 2023 by Alphamstone Village Hall. Proudly created by Edward Twinn

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